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Thread: interesting read

  1. #1
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Okaloosa County, Florida

    interesting read

    i found this and brought it here to share.

    SHTF does not generally drop by at the best of times. In fact, SHTF thrives and grows exponentially under more adverse circumstances.

    So, suck it up, put on your boots, and power through it – SHTF doesn't care and neither can you!

    SHTF doesn’t care about inclement weather – snow, hail, tornadoes and hurricanes all just add to the party atmosphere for SHTF.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you sprained your ankle, broke your leg or are otherwise less than ambulatory. If you have to bug out without a vehicle, you have to bug out, regardless of your injury status.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you decided to start prepping after the trip to Disney World (because that trip is expensive!!!!)

    SHTF doesn’t care that you are on a boat in the middle of the ocean, regardless of what you paid for the luxury cruise. (Check out recent ill-fated Carnival Cruise of the Triumph if you don’t believe me!)

    SHTF doesn't care that you had planned to get your vehicle repaired. You have to evacuate regardless of the leak from the oil pan, the condition of the brakes and the funny noise in the transmission.

    SHTF doesn't care that the entire family is ill with the stomach flu. The entire family will just have to pause to throw up while bugging out.

    SHTF doesn't care that you need new hiking boots and that you just haven’t had time to get to the store and buy them.

    SHTF doesn't care that you planned to buy some bulk foods with your next paycheck.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you always use electronic banking. If the ATMS are down and you have no cash, you cannot buy anything.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you used all your ammo at the range and Wal-Mart has been out for the past month.

    SHTF doesn’t care that the grocery store is closed because of a power outage and you only have a can of peas and some saltine crackers in the house.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you are wearing high heels when your car plummets to the bottom of a ravine – you still have to climb out.

    SHTF doesn’t care that the pharmacies are closed because of a pandemic and that you have no OTC or herbal medicines at home – if you catch the virus, you will suffer through it without medicine to treat it. And so will your kids.

    SHTF doesn’t care that your truck is almost out of gas and the local gas stations have closed because of the disaster. If you have to bug out, you may end up walking instead of driving.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you are depressed because you just broke up with your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. S happens when S happens.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you have made a rock solid plan to get in shape - as soon as the weather warms up.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you are visiting your in-laws, the most unprepared people on the planet.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you had planned to get the propane tank refilled and now the propane trucks aren’t running.

    SHTF doesn’t care that your wood is not dry.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you have 300 pounds of beans and rice but failed to plan on a way to cook them.

    SHTF doesn’t care that you don’t know how to cook over an open fire without inflicting 2nd degree burns on yourself.

    SHTF doesn’t care if you have only a week’s supply of toilet paper – if the crisis lasts longer than a week, things will be progressively less pleasant regardless of your intention to purchase more Charmin.

    SHTF doesn’t care you planned to reinforce your door frame and install a metal security door – if thugs arrive to invade your home, your hollow core door will serve as a minor inconvenience instead of a deterrent.

    SHTF doesn’t care if you believe the fecal matter is headed towards the oscillating device or whether you think it’s a conspiracy theory.

    Whatever your excuse may be, you may rest assured, it could easily be on this list. And SHTF won’t care about that either.
    "Ya need a hug, or a twinkee? Wait..forget the twinkie". - Dropy

    "I'll be in my bunk" Jayne Cobb

    'Catch, sauté, and release...' Sniper-T

    'Always smile... it makes people wonder what the fuck you are thinking!' Sniper-T

    Body Armor is not bullet proof, it is only bullet resistant.* Learn to become strictly a head hunter.*

    'All I really needed was a hug'............ Domeguy

  2. #2
    Man that is a great read, thank you so much for sharing that. Would you mind if I shared that around?

  3. #3
    Senior Member

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Middle TN
    No doubt about it, being prepared is hard.

    But being unprepared is going to be a whole lot harder.

    Pick your hard.
    "Treason to tyranny is fidelity to liberty."

  4. #4
    Walking on Sunshine

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Amen to that 4
    rob, hit the nail on the head.



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