We all prep with the knowledge that the government can not save us, and we are responsible for our own welfare should SHTF. I just found these two news stories that the "Lamestream media seems to be ignoring, and find them more then a little disturbing. Please try to keep your discussion of them out of the political, as this is more for us to decide how we will deal with these issues then as a comment on politics in the U.S.A.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ( Ben Franklin)

The first news story has to do with the 4th amendment as is a blatant violation of the same, rather frightening revelation:
Feds demand user account passwords

This little item is in and if itself a bit disconcerting. Seeing that the nation was first colonized by those seeking religious freedom and the right to worship as they saw fit.
Chaplin censored, atheists call for punishment