Looking at this show strictly from a prepper perspective. I can see the guy in North Carolina being a good model for a grid down situation. Most of the work he does on his property is down with horses, or could be. A chain saw is the most used powered equipment I've seen. He also grows more of his food than any of the others on this show. He does his own blacksmithing, repairs, raises his own livestock, ect. While I have no doubt at least some of this is scripted, it still shows how life could be carried on. With a whole lot of work of course.

The Life Below Zero show has some interesting charecters as well. One family, which the wife in a Native Athabascan Indian, I believe, hunts, fishes, and traps almost all of their food. They have a large extended family as well.Another guy on the show is a guide to hunters during season. The rest of the year he hunts and traps. He has commented that he hasn't bought any meat in years.

This show doesn't show all aspects to the characters life, but it gives a good glimpse into a different way of life. Certianly some ways to do different things much has been done for many years.