This is no longer about politics. It is a sign that we truly are in economic peril. All of us are. The debt ceiling debate is coming up very soon but now it is a moot point and really doesn't make any difference considering the government already exceeded the federal debt limit set by congress. On May 17th a portion of the national debt count stopped moving. The government didn't stop spending. Since May the government has issued another 53 billion dollars in bonds. It's just not counting anymore. Therefore, congress no longer has control of spending. Are you starting to see the monster behind the curtain?

So how does this effect us from a preparedness standpoint?

Will it all blow apart and shut down key portions of the government when congress flexes its muscles when they finally realize they have lost control and power? Will the president carry through with his threat from 2011 and hold SS and VA checks?

Most people depending on SS and VA benefits are living month to month and barely getting by.

What about other government checks. I.E. welfare programs. What if they are held up by the government? You want to see riots you halt welfare.

It could all be coming to a head very soon.

Are you prepared?