Original story HERE on foxnews

Feds move to surveillance tactics associated more with underworld of computer hacking
Published August 03, 2013
The Wall Street Journal

The U.S. government is expanding its suspect-surveillance programs to include tactic developed and more commonly associated with some of the world’s most sophisticated and criminal-minded experts – computer hackers.

Court documents and interviews reveal new details about the closely-held programs, including spyware that can be sent to computers and phones through email and Web links -- techniques more commonly associated with attacks by criminals, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013...#ixzz2awPRRkps
This is the part that made my heart skip a beat.....

A former U.S. official told The Journal that some of the technology allows the FBI to remotely activate the microphones in phones running on Google Inc.’s Android software to record conve

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013...#ixzz2awPftZn5
Ok...let's not get all tin-foily wacky here but I thought this was some intel worth passing along in light of the recently revelations about who's keeping tabs on whom.

I know I've mocked people before for suggesting this. Apparently I owe them a deep apology.