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Thread: Just got a fantastic deal on 12 4x8' panels of window bars

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Metrocruiser's Avatar
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    Just got a fantastic deal on 12 4x8' panels of window bars

    Hey all,

    Was driving down the road and saw a guy putting up a FREE sign on 12 panels of similar type windows bars as in the picture below. The ones I got are all black.

    What a great score.

    Any suggestions for painting them white? I am going to install them inside on all my windows on the ground floor of our house.

    Planning to cut them all to size first before painting but I don't know if I should use tremclad paint with a brush or spay can etc....

  2. #2
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Dallas TX
    Link is broken, that's a good deal, but please tell me they're hinged where YOU can get out. I need a deal like that, I am trying to figure out a way to make a warehouse door type of steel gate that slides across an archway to the bedroom wing of the house to prevent an intruder from getting to us at night before being intercepted. My son's room is the first one in the hallway, and that has made me lose sleep. He has a shock, and intrusion sensor on his window, but the traffic pattern funnels right into his room.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  3. #3
    Walking on Sunshine

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    if you can afford it have a body shop paint them for you.Had a friend who had a metal cabinet done by local body shop for his wife as a garden shed for outside. It looked great.

  4. #4
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
    Dropy's Avatar
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    I used to build this type of stuff for a living. I recommend you wipe them down VERY well with M.E.T. (Methyl Ethyl Keotone) after you power wash them. Of course let the water dry before you MET them. Sand off and rust and remove any clumps of dirt and such. Next prime them with a quality primer made for steel (assuming these are steel?). Next use a quality paint also made for steel. let them sit and dry very well. Next, install.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Metrocruiser's Avatar
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    Hi guys,

    Thank you for your advice.
    Drat that the pic didn't show up. They are made up of black electrocoated square tubing about 5/8" od in 4x8' panels. Each crossing interval is about 6". At 1st I thought they were possibly aluminum because they felt pretty light. But when I got them home I tested with a magnet and it was magnetic.

    They are not the strongest window bars but my hope is that they will act as a visual deterrent to cause criminals to look for an easier target and pass on us.

    Thanks for the mention of being able to exit from a barred window in case a fire has prevented exit from the doors. They are not hinged but we have 3 other exits from upstairs where we are 99.9 of the time.
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