After reading about Dakota fire Pits I decided to make a small test pit. I dug the hole about a foot deep and about 10 inches wide. Secondary hole was roughly six inches away from the primary and about 8 inches deep and 6 inches wide.

  • Moar BIGGER!
  • Bigger holes same depth
  • Moar tinder
  • Moar fuel and stacked properly

I learned quite a bit and have a much better idea how I will construct a bigger pit next time. I'll also take pictures during it's night time use as well. Overall, not a bad time to kill an hour on a lazy Sunday than practicing fire!

Used pine soaked resin wood to start the fire.
Didn't put enough tinder into the pit so some bills made it in there to stoke the flames up.

Burn Baby Burn!

Far shot. Flames were a little bigger than the above pic.

Clean up. A little sloppy but you can't tell there was a fire there. If you took the time to cover your tracks no one would be the wiser.