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Thread: Companion planting

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Central Florida
    I tried the corn and green beans, the beans grew thick, and pulled the corn over. I guess I have weak corn.
    Going to try marigolds this year, nothing seems to stop the catepillars.
    Our pest to stop is squirrels. They eat the corn, the fruits, anything they can get, and they are great at dodging pellets.

  2. #12
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    For aphid invasion and a few other types of insect issues.
    It is cheap safe and natural. 2500 Ladybugs will run about $7.00 buy em and pick them up. Don't pay for shipping. Make sure you have flowers blooming at the time of release. If they have the nutrients needed at their release point they wont go far.

    Animal Deterrents
    Raccoons detest predator urine.
    Scare crows work against bird eating new seeds.

    I didn't buy it here but this is what I use for critter repellant.

    You hook it to the water hose turn it out after you place it and you should be good. I bought it a lot cheaper on ebay.



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