While surfing the net for intel stories I came across THIS story at Foxnews....

Neighbors sue rural Ga. city to fix sewer system that spews waste into yards and fouls creek
Published August 31, 2013
Associated Press

ROCHELLE, Ga. – Residents in rural south Georgia are suing their tiny city over a particularly icky problem — raw sewage that backs up and floods in their yards during heavy rains.

Rochelle Mayor James Rhodes calls the waste bubbling up from manhole covers and relief valves outside people's homes "an act of God." He blames unusually wet weather for flooding the city's sewer pipes.

But some residents say flooding sewage has been a problem for years. Eight residents filed a federal lawsuit Aug. 13 saying the city's faulty sewer system is polluting nearby Mills Creek in violation of the federal Clean Water Act.

The issue is more personal for Monesa Coney, who's had sewage pooling in her yard. She bought her children a videogame console to keep them from playing outside.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/31...#ixzz2davlNEtk
A SHTF event is unfolding in your area and raw sewage starts backing up....

1) What threats does it pose?

2) How do you deal with it?

3) What precautions can you take?