
Though I rarely post I'm here almost daily keeping up on some topics...

This summer I installed a hidden hitch on my '99 Rav4 and had the electrical output installed as well. While that all worked well, I am now aware that any emergency water crossings have a new low point on my vehicle where issues can occur.

Through the trial & error of connecting my output to a tent trailer I understand that a short on these connections will likely only blow a few fuses (and I have extras in the vehicle) but in an emergency I don't want to deal with losing use of my vehicle's brake, signal,running & emergency flasher lights.

Some have advised me to simply put a good bag over the connection with rubber bands when I'm not towing anything. Does anyone here have a better idea, or a reliable technique?

As I live on a flood plain, driving through 1.5' of water is a reasonable expectation in my emergency evacuation plan.
