Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo View Post
Could you link to the unit, Id like to learn more maybe shop...

Sure. Standard orienteering style sighting compass, pretty much like this version (made by Suunto)....the actual maker of the three big orienteering compasses sold in the US is mixed up, since the local (US) names have rotated around the actual manufactuerers a couple of times.


I actually carry three (or more) compasses in the field, because I've had them get f-d up (and with only two, how would you know which one?). When I was on a SAR team, I'd start each field exercise out by asking everyone to point out north to me....and then we'd actually get out compasses and find out. Most folks were way off, even when using major landmarks like Interstate-5.

My BoB has a full size like that one, two smaller ones like this http://www.rei.com/product/653748/su...hibian-compass and a couple of small/inaccurate ones, like one on my watch strap.

I also have a whistle (all plastic) on the lanyard for the compasses, and they have UTM grid readers on them as well. I keep a set of ranger beads, too.

You can make your own UTM grid readers. Get the files from these guys, print out a copy, and then xerox it onto transparency stock. If you want to get fancy you can laminate the sheets, then cut them out.


Standard Topo maps are 1:24,000 and 1:62,500 scales in the US, military standard sheets are 1:50,000 scales.

BTW, I have one of these in my Incident Commander box, and occasionally find it useful
