Its October, November is just daze away. Im taking the daughter to her first winter camp this weekend, which prompted me to conceive an invitation to the colony for a more true to life WINTER CAMP likely in January or February.

I already have the camp sight picked out, it should easily accommodate maybe 5 vehicles, unless some wanted to park at the gas station and convoy in with another ant.

Anyway... Location is Southwest Virginia, Craig County to be exact.

This would likely be a two day one night camp.

Be advised, the camp would NOT be cancelled due to weather so if you dont like the cold and/or wet, it may be best to not commit.

Objective: Bringing only a BOB or GHB worth of supplies, last a winter camp in comfort. We will in essence be "car camping" so expecting to hump into the wild is not on the schedule... THIS camp out.

Think minimalist and have fun! (Its not necessary to show up with only a survival blanket and a candle, thats NOT the idea... but bringing a camp cot should yield a kick in the bags)

As far as food goes, that will be a relaxed aspect... bring a cooler with steaks or whatever you want to eat... but you will be cooking over fire, no camp stoves.

Being a family oriented camp, obviously alcohol would not be acceptable. As far as firearms go, open carry should be fine with any visitor however CCW requires a VA permit, unless yours carries over (your responsibility to validate). If kids or wives are to be present, profanity should be eliminated. Another note on firearms, we will be in the National Forest so Id probably steer clear of long arms so as to not be confused with a hunting party. The "wilderness 5-0" is likely to at the least drive by. (I will likely have something bigger in the event of a diar emergency that would necessitate it, but the specifics wont be disclosed)

Comms are none. Even with Verizon, so if your equipped for 40m, bring your rig... we can throw up a dipole and have some em-comms in case of worse case.

Activities: Challenges will be issued to participants, nothing that requires rocket science or out of an achievable scope. For example: Fire building: Using only 2 matches and 1 cotton ball, build a fire that would provide warmth and cooking. Build a shelter: Your pick, lean to or debris hut. I have several other ideas, but want to make it a surprise. The objective of the activities is to give us things to do while camping, but also so we can examine other's styles and ideas. A time to shine and share. Relaxed time could be spent in camp chairs swapping stories.

Additionally, each person's individual bivy site will be examined by the group and that person explains there site and why they chose what they did, and so on and so forth...

Being this is NOT a para-military gathering (yet... timing isnt right) my highest suggestion is: 1) No cammo clothes. Earth tone is fine, hell even red & black flannel. But NOTHING military or hunting. We want to "appear" to be a bunch of sillyvilians. However, your bivy site can be however you want... camo tarp, etc.. etc..

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, signify with a YEA and Ill work out the rest of the details.

Safety and security will be a primary, thus I will have my camp stove in the event that weather totally precludes a fire, thus sill being able to have a hot meal. I will also be bringing a few Coleman lamps for lighting, we do NOT have to be stealth!

(If you want a tacticool camp, I can arrange that at a later date with a very small group in a similar sitting, which would require a hump to the bivy site and such and such... Tactical march into the site, noise and light discipline, the "whole nine yards", but still the same weapons policy will be in full effect.)

Lastly: sanitation. Were in the woods, primitive camping... so if you didnt bring it, you dont have it. Bring a few 5 gal water cans for sanitation and drinking, along with whatever means of heating the water your desire. For latrine, Id sugget some doodie bags and a shit bucket with toilet seat... you bring your own... can be situated in a tarp teepee or whatever.

Bring your PFAK, your meds if needed and a flashlight for backup lighting. Whatever you do NOT want to break out, can stay in your vehicle. I subscribe to its better to have it and not need it, than to need it.... you know the rest.
