About half of the people I've talked to about it have already seen increased rates. Of the other half, most expect to get hit hard pretty soon. Some of the nation's best hospitals are considering the idea of not accepting O-care at all.

It's a giant shitstorm, but never let a crisis go to waste. Just another step in the overall plan. With all the bullshit going on, it will be easier to ram a single payer system down our throats.

I'm prepping for this by being the healthiest person I can be, and cutting non essential spending.

But the fact that I'm doing it because some 300 pound, Escalade driving, iPhone texting, 7 kid having, EBT swiping, 911 calling, ambulance riding, lazy, entitled fat sack of shit waste of a human being can't be bothered to not have that 5th Big Mac, pisses me off.

Sorry, rant over.