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Thread: Tools, Jigs, & useful things

  1. #31
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I have been wanting to build a shaving horse for a couple years. Tonight I got a wild hair and found this video on you tube on how to make one.

  2. #32
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Here is the second part of the video.

  3. #33
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Does anyone out there have a Shopsmith, and if so, do you like it. Does it operate as easily and do projects jun a smoothly as they say it does?

  4. #34
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Domeguy View Post
    Does anyone out there have a Shopsmith, and if so, do you like it. Does it operate as easily and do projects jun a smoothly as they say it does?
    I don't have one but I studied them years ago when watching them being demonstrated. They take up little space and seemed to work fine for the person. I had considered one but thought about time involved in transforming to different tool set up. While not much time involved ; It was a delay in my thought process of my project.

    I'm one who likes to go from one tool to another without delay so as to keep project moving in my mind. I basically know what the next tool is going to need and do without much adjustment. Now this is just me ; I like moving around from tool to tool as each has it's own unique job to do. Now granted my tools take up more space but I've mobilized some of the big ones so I can move them around my work are as needed. Plus if I need to take a certain tool off site I don't have to take the whole machine.

    That being said ; A Shopsmith for some people is a good tool as it takes up less space and does a good job for which it was designed. It all boils down to what you want in a woodworking set up and how many different types of projects you want to build. Or maybe it can compliment the other tools you have to extend your woodworking projects.

  5. #35
    CC Gray Panther
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    I just checked the price of a Mark 7 model after posting and it was almost $4,000.00
    In my opinion I'd look at various tools new and used because you'll probably come out cheaper in the long run. Many of my tools are a combination of new and used and I have an ungodly amount as the wife says. Now these have been bought over the years and still today as I find new toys.

    Don't know your situation ; space or projects you have in mind. My thought is maybe you should check one out and try changing set ups if possible to see if it's right for you. Each person has their own way of doing things and I don't want to hinder you in anyway. Shopsmith may work for your needs. Whatever you decide I wish you the best .

  6. #36
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    DG my stepdad has a ShopSmith that he has used for 15+ years. Pretty much with no issues. Initially that is about all he used. The main machine plus the following attachments bandsaw, scrollsaw, jointer. He has made some really nice furnitue pieces with it and I have made a few. Over the years he purchases a table saw and planner to add to the smithy.

    Imo the work has to be planned very closly to minimize set up changes and really figure out your work flow. The shop smith has some unique capabilities but it also has some limitations you will have to deal with. As long as you know that going in and can deal with that it is a nice machine. It is not a production machine though.

    As far as price and durability I would buy a Mark 5 used over a new Mark 7. Shop Smith like many other companies have been bought out and squeezed for all the profit they can get. IMO they are much lower quality than the older models were. Best of luck in what ever you choose to go with.

  7. #37
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    As I have discussed before, I want to set up a blacksmith shop to be able to do repairs and make various objects and tools. On that thought I have been looking for something manually operated to use as a blower to force air into the forge to bring the heat up. Recently I have been looking on flea bay and tracking some units. This week I found 4 or 5 units I liked pretty well, so i started bidding. I lost four bids in a row, the last one that had been taken apart cleaned and painted (very nice one). Through this though my favorite was the last one, looks to be in good shape, everything works, and it had a stand with it. Needless to say I was drooling over that one. I won the bid on it. Here is the flea bay page. One more thing to work on this winter.
    Well there is a long story behind the blower I mentioned above. Short story, the total package was going to cost more to ship than I paid for the blower. So it got cancelled. New years eve I was crusing ebay again and found one I had marked to watch and found it only had 6 minutes to go. I won that one and had free shipping to boot. It was delivered today. I got it unpacked and on the bench. and took a few pics. I will get them posted up soon.
    Overall this looks like a nicer blower than the other one. It just needs a good cleaning and greasing. Then it is time to make a mounting bracket to secure it to the frame of the old charcol grill I am using to make the forge it. I am going to fabricate some flexible metal duct, a 3 black pipe nipples, a T, and some type of fixture to allow me to dump the ashes. I also need to make the attachment from the Brake drum to the plumbing system to get the air to the drum.

  8. #38
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

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    Built this monster today... This is my new kydex press. I call it press-zilla. I've got some additional work to do on it, and haven't run it on kydex yet. It's 24x12 so I'll be able to do larger work now. I was having issues with uneven pressure and losing heat while closing the press, so now I've got a quicker method of locking it down and even pressure.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.



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