Oh yeah. They have just as much stink as their larger cousins. It's amazing how potent their spray is. A direct spray on you will cause your sinuses to break loose and flood your nose with mucus, your eyes will tear up and swell, it attacks your lungs. Causes you to have coughing fits. It's some nasty stuff.

Skunks aren't as bad to spray as one would think. They don't go all willy nilly spraying at anything that moves. They have to put up with the smell as well. They will give you plenty of warning first. Stand up on their front feet and threaten you. If you back off slowly when they stand up most of the time they won't spray.

I have walked up on striped skunks while deer hunting quite often. Just holding your ground and talking to them normally calms them down. They will just look at you and walk off.