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Thread: New Ford F-150 CNG/LPG capable

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    SW Louisiana

    New Ford F-150 CNG/LPG capable

    Ford has announced that the F-150 pickup will be available in a model that can use both compressed natural gas (CNG)and liquified petroleum gas (LPG) starting in 2014. They are predicting a combined fuel range of 750 miles. As strong believers in redundancy we will be looking pretty hard at adding one of these to our vehicle stable. I really like LPG as a fuel source for long-term storage and having a vehicle that can use it is very tempting.

  2. #2
    NVG....totally a work deduction!

    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I've long thought about converting my out of town work vehicle to dual fuel with propane to give it the extra range to make the trip home if necessary.

    I fly 3 or so times a month out of town for work. I keep an SUV in the town I work in, but its about 700 miles if I have to drive home. Thats about twice my gasoline range with the tank full. I try to keep the tank at least 3/4 full at all times, and never let it get below 1/2. But a dual fuel option would allow me to run the vehicle on both gasoline and propane might make it possible to have the extra range. Propane stores indefinitely so I wouldn't have to worry about rotating it like I would if I only added gasoline capacity. Plus the option to run on propane if the grid is down, since propane generally doesn't require electricity to pump at many places could be a benefit.

    I've never pulled the trigger, instead weighing just getting a diesel truck with an auxilary tank or something.

    I like the idea of the CNG as well, but until there is an affordable home pump I don't know if I am as interested.



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