Quote Originally Posted by Vodin View Post
Money made today is just paper and worthless metal. Money that was made in the past was made with value in mind so they used Silver and Gold for the coins. A dime made out of silver with today's calculations is simple. It is worth more than a dime (10 cents) it is worth the weight of silver. That silver in the dime is worth more than a Dime made today. (Give value of silver dime)
I like this explanation the best! ^^^

I sat down with my two older kids and set a stack of pre-64 coins totaling $1.oo on the table with a stack of post-64 coins totaling $1.00, and a stack of $1.00 bills totaling $10.00 and asked them if they knew which stack was worth more. Obviously they thought the dollar bill stack, but I explained it to them how the silver content was worth more in the pre-64 than either of the other stacks. This led into a discussion of value versus worth and it was pleasantly surprising how easily they got the concept! Now when they get change, they are always looking thru it trying to find pre-64 coins! One son has found quite a few pre-64 dimes and a few quarters as well! Maybe give this a try?