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Thread: I hate traveling

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    I wouldn't mind driving up here. At least then I could bring my sidearm with me without issue and an extended get home bag. Flying is a pain.

    My nephew has been taking care of the farm for me while we are up here. It is goat kidding season and we had another nanny drop kids yesterday. She had triplets but one was still born. He had to get mom and dad to come help him get her up into the barn and her 2 babies squared away.

    It's just a bad time of year for me to have to come up here. I am up here so my late wife's mother can see my daughter. She refuses to come to my home town. Annoying but I had to bring my little one up here cause she wanted to see her grandmother.
    It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Well we are finally back home in Arkansas. I did make one observation while I was in Denver. If anything major shtf happens up there of the winter time, that city will have a major die off.

    Even in Cheyenne Wyoming where we were at there will be significant loss of life in a grid down situation of the winter time.

    I can't get my mind around why people would want to live like that. All bunched up, houses almost touching. All electric homes. You are just asking for disaster.

    I will stay here in Arkansas where I belong.
    It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.



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