Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo View Post
Ive been listening to The Survival Podcast a bit lately, and its been real awakening. The financial melt down seams to be the MOST likely threat right now, but Jack delivered the information (across multiple podcast, that is..) that ties it all together: corporations, greet and political corruption all go hand in hand.

Im learning, maybe a day late and a dollar short, but I am learning.

Seams our country was destined for failure since the 1910 Jekyll Island cartel meeting. Since 1913, our country has been in distress, and getting worse each year.

IMHO, thats the tip of the iceburg... The NWO used to be a big tin foil hat thing, but look at this... the HazMat stuff has all changed to the U.N. standards. For WHAT? We dont EXPORT anything anymore! A sign of times, to come?

Anywho, the more things change, the more they stay the same... and its kinda skeery to think of what just might be around the bend! Militarization of police, income taxes, personal property taxes, and the list just gets longer and longer....

So... Lemme off the soapbox early before I am thought to be off my rocker...
Ah hell, don't let being off your rocker stop you. It never has me!

The bit about Jekyell Island, that is what the book is about I mentioned in one of your threads to try and teach your daughter about money. From my readings, that was where the FED was put together by the big bankers of the time. Then the FED kicked off in 1913 and we lost complete control of our money supply. If you get a chance to read some info from Larry Bates, he goes in depth on all that and how it has affected our financial system since. I will try and find a link to some of his stuff.

You gotta take the tinfoil with a huge grain of salt. But since I have been keeping up with all this type stuff, since back in the 80's, it amazes me to this day how much stuff I listened to, thought was complete bullshit, and then a few years later, dang if it ain't the truth. Sometimes stories get out before the news. Don't disregard all you here just because it sounds far fetched, just develop a real good filter for picking out the important stuff when it comes thru.