My system is beginning to bloom. Cherry Tomatoes, Green Bell Peppers, Chile Pepper (Thai Hot) and Green Peas.
Chives, Oregano, Basil, Lemon Balm and Cilantro are ready to go.

Beefsteak and San Marzano are still filling out. Aloe Vera is not really taking root working on the 2nd attempt now.
Broccoli and Jalpenos, is still growing.

All but the herbs were started from seed mid October this year.

The plan is simple. Grow this year round and set up another grow bed. The second grow bed will start the plants for the grow bed and the vertical pallets that are out in the backyard next to the ponds. (I live on a small plot of land 40'x80')

I get the upper hand on the short growing season by starting the plants a few months ahead indoors. Then clippings are taken of the plants that I wish to continue to grow during the winter and bring those in.

Plan for 2014 is the completion of the large outdoor 12'x10'x5' pond. I will start the Channel Catfish indoors with the Tillapia this year. Then 2015 they will go into the large pond.

While this is occurring I will be pursuing vertical aquaponics outdoors. 4 foot 6" PVC tubes with holes cut for the plants to grow out of. Resulting in 28 plants in a 2 foot area. If this works I can set up 40 of these towers and that will place a big dent in the need for purchased food.

Do more with less.