After finishing her sandwiches, Chirsty and Ava strolled the isles looking at books. An hour or so had passed and so far things were looking good. She didn't really know how long she was going to wait or what she'd do if John didn't arrive. She figured if she over-reacted she'd slink back home and have a good laugh over the whole thing.

It didn't take long for her to realize she hadn't over-reacted when she saw that the police had taken up positions at several entrances to the mall and the parking-lot was closed off so nobody could leave. She couldn't believe the number of black SUV's filled with guys in dress pants, polo shirts and sunglasses that were suddenly nearly everywhere.

Not being a fool she moved to an isle that had a good view of the window towards the mall and the front door. Ava was distracted by the sea of books and her Mommy's suddenly willingness to let her look at every one. The minutes crept by for what seemed like an eternity. Everything seemed to be going well until a couple of the guys wearing sunglasses and polo shirts came in the front door. Her heart nearly skipped a beat as she tried to quickly look away without looking like she was quickly looking away.

She watched as they began going up to people to speak with them.


Dink backed the Suburban into a parking space at the back of the bookstore parking lot between two large vans to help hide from view. He turned off the motor and looked at his friend John Miller. "Well Tex, suppose we ought to go look at a picture book?" he said with an exaggerated draw.

The route the took to the store allowed them to see the mall. It didn't take long to grasp the situation and that it was bad. Running into other LEO's was exactly what they didn't want. They gave each other knowing glances as they both understood that this might not go so easy.

Miller broke the silence. "Ok Dink. I guess our only option is to stroll into the store and pray Christy is there. I didn't see her car but that doesn't mean much.".

"Partner, I didn't see her car but I did see a bigass black SUV out front. That can't be a good thing" replied Dink as he scanned what he could see of the parking lot. "Why don't we split up? If they happen to have memorized my name and recognize me from my name-badge you don't want to get hung up. Go in, get the girls and get back to the truck". Dink handed him a spare set of keys just in case.

They eased out of the Subruban and made their way up the opposite side of the building. They scanned their surroundings as they moved towards the front door and John breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Christy's car.


The contractors sent to check out the store were just about to turn the corner down Christy's isle as John entered the big store. Christy had already moved as many isles as she could without being obvious. As they turned the corner and made eye contact with her her heart sank. She didn't know what was going on but she knew this was bad.

Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the waitress from the cafe appeared. "Oh darling" she said with a sweet southern draw "I think your daughter has made a dirty diaper and it's leaking" as she stared back the contractors. Christy, playing along started to fuss over Ava. "Oh goodness, it's everywhere" she blurted out with mock surprise as she prayed Ava would play along. "Come on sweetie" said the waitress as she took Christy by the arm and guided her towards the bathroom. "lets get you cleaned up".

The contractors looked at each other with bewilderment and not quite knowing what to do they basically did nothing as Christy and the waitress disappeared into the bathroom. At that moment Dink and Miller were entering the store. It didn't take long for them to all notice each other.

Dink, still in uniform, strode directly towards the contractors with purpose. "Hello there boys. I need to talk to you for a minute about these orders I've been given" as he motioned to a piece of paper in his hand. Miller used the distraction to make a beeline for the bathrooms where he saw Christy a few second earlier with a waitress.


"Daddy!" exclaimed Ava as Miller strode into the bathroom. Christy looked up with a huge sigh of relief. Before she could say anything John cut her off. "We need to leave, and leave now" He queried the waitress, "I don't suppose this is like the movies and there is a convenient window in here?" The waitress smiled back "Sugar, I'll do you one better. The back door is unlocked and the alarm is off". She looked at Christy "the manager likes to sneak out back for a smoke and disables the alarm" as an explanation.

Swooping up Ava in his arms, he followed the waitress out of the bathroom and quickly down the back hall. He glanced around before they turned the corner and saw Dink walking through the front door with the contractors. They got to the back door and Christy turned to the waitress. Before she could say anything the waitress, with big tears in her eyes, said, "sweetie, my parents lived in Budapest after the war. I knew what was going on from the minute I saw all the police at the mall. Go. Be safe."

Miller, still obviously in charge, didn't have time for a Lifetime Movie scene. "Mamm, I don't know your situation. But if you need a ride out of town I can get you out of here. But you need to come with us right now". The waitress didn't hesitate "what the hell, I don't have anything to live for here other than pissing off my manager. And with that they left the building.


As Dink eased the Suburban out of the parking spot and along a side street Miller kept an eye on the SUV at the front of the building. The contractors sat in the front seat but appeared motionless.

He turned to Dink "something you need to explain buddy?"

Dink looked at him with a twinkle in his eye. "You know how I always accused you of cheating that first time we shot together? Well, the fact is, I've been known to play dirty too".

From the back seat the waitress piped up. "My name is Patsy, by the way".