It was clear that Fred had, indeed, not listened and come back for something. Luck was not on his side and he came back just before the contractors dispatched by Ketch had arrived. Their youth and brutality won out over his age and declined skills.

It was also clear that the situation had elevated from merely bad to very dangerous. Contact with Ketch or his men risked being detained and sent who knows where for who knows what for who knows how long. Contact with a group of contractors would have far less pleasant outcomes.

They quickly moved back into the shadows of the woods and double timed it to Millers house. It didn't take long to cover the several mile trek despite the darkness and uneven path. They slowed and collected their breath as they moved towards the clearing around the house, shed and barns.

"Let's work the perimeter as much as we can" whispered Miller "to clear as much as possible".

It didn't take long to spot the big SUV parked out front and see the contractor leaning against it on a smoke break. A little more maneuvering soon revealed the other contractor walking around inside the house.


Back at the truck Patsy looked at Christy with a look of worry.

"Don't worry" Christy said reassuringly "they can handle themselves".

Patsy smiled back a forced smile. " Darling, I figured as much or else I wouldn't have come along on this adventure" she whispered. "I just hope Mr. Murphy doesn't come knocking tonight".

Christy smiled back but didn't reply. Inside she was thinking the exact same thing.


Dink maneuvered as close to the shed as he could get without walking into the moonlight drenched opening. He aimed to make a noise to lure the contractors out and into the open. Since they foolishly left the departments shotgun back in the truck, and they didn't want to make more noise than was needed, they hoped to draw them both into a position where Miller could get the drop on them.

The rock crashing through the shed window was all the noise that was needed to draw out the contractors. Miller smiled as he realized his friend had come up with a practical, if not sophisticated solution. The contractor at the SUV spun around and started trotting towards the shed. Within seconds the back door to the house flung open and the other contractor appeared. They moved cautiously to approach the shed from different angles.

Once they had gotten close enough to the shed, Miller and Dink both popped out of the shadows, pistols drawn. Dink couldn't resist, "drop your toys boys" he blurted out. The contractors both knew they had been had and did as instructed. As they dropped to their knees Dink approached them from the rear and told them to toss their handcuffs behind them. Miller hung back and covered them.

Within seconds the contractors were hand and leg cuffed. Dink had taken a few steps back and spoke first. "So boys" he said in a low draw "what brings you to this part of town?"

"You know exactly why, Roberts" one of them spat back.

Before Dink could utter his next witty reply, there was a slight motion behind them. Miller knew right away they had made a mistake and cursed himself for it. It could prove a very costly error.

The third contractor appeared, almost as if by magic and had the drop on both Miller and Dink. Miller dropped his weapon as did Dink. The contractor remained half hidden in the shadows so neither Miller or Dink could read his movements. He ordered them to to release his companions and Dink sheepishly did so.

"Looks like we allowed ourselves to get hogtied" Dink said with forced enthusiasim.

"Yea, you two were much easier to get then we thought you'd be. Pitty" replied back the contractors ringleader.

Soon they were being marched back to the truck around front. As they walked Dink and Miller both looked for an opening but none presented itself. As they approached the truck one contractor lead each captured man to a different side of the truck to help them, however forcefully, into the back seats. The ringleader took up a position directly behind the truck but far enough back that he could cover both sides.

Miller glanced at Dink as they were separated and pushed to either side of the truck. Both men knew they had been had and they'd have to get very luck to get out of this scrape.


Fortunatley Ava slept and Patsy dozed as well. Christy keep peering into the darkness awaiting any sign that her men had returned to get her. She had utmost faith in John but she knew things can, and do, go wrong.

"Please John" she said to herself. "Be safe".


As the SUV door was being opened and Miller was being shoved inside, he heard the dull "thump" noise. Half of the ringleaders head vaporized in a mist as he slumped forward. One second he was covering two wanted men, the next he was a twitching lump on the ground.

The contractor that had Dink groaned out a surprised "oh!" as he turned to look back at his boss. In doing so, Dink was able to shove him and begin moving away. A fraction of a second later two rounds crashed into the contractors chest, a mere few inches apart. He crumpled over and fell to the ground.

The third contractor, slow to realize anything bad was happening now knew he was in grave danger. He immediate let go of Miller and begin trying to run. All that he accomplished was that he died tired. Another "thump" noise shot through the air and the third contract crumpled into a heap much like the others.

Miller and Dink made their way around the front of the truck out of instinct as much as anything. It took a couple of seconds before they picked up the slight movement. Then, from a hundred yards away came a shape out of the darkness. It took a moment for them to begin to recognize the shape as it approached but soon the fancy AR with night vision scopes and helmets with mounted thermal glasses left little doubt as to the identity of their savior.

Dink said it first. "Webb. Dammit you sure made us work for that one".

The smile that went across Webb's face was clear even in the darkness.