"Dammit boy, I'm telling you three guys dressed up like GI Joe kidnapped my daughter" screamed a drunken Wallace Bond. Between the booze and the anger he nearly covered Bobby's man in spit as he yelled.

"I get that" responded the frustrated contractor "but where did it happen and where did those men go?"

"I gotta do your job too?" Wallace continued to yell as he drunkenly careened off contractors and furniture. Even in the short time available to him Wallace had made sure to imbibe before anything else. "Listen, I ain't gonna let you on my land or give you squat. How do I know you won't go telling my business all over town or put me in a database. Go find my daughter and get on with it!" he ordered.

"Sir, you are not giving us much help". The contractor glanced at Bobby clearly signaling he was out of options.

Bobby stood up and walked up to Wallace. He had been laying low and letting his men handle the situation but he'd had enough of the fun and games.

Wallace eyed up Bobby and tried to stare him down as he swayed gently back and forth. "What, you gonna play good cop bad cop? I'm not afraid of you."

Bobby flashed a smile that could have been mistaken as humor to those unaware of Bobby's enthusiasm for inflicting misery on others. For those who knew him, however, that smile and the certain gleam in his eyes often caused them to shudder in fear. Wallace was too stupid to be afraid.

"Your name is Wallace right?"

"Yea, what's it to you?" fired back Wallace.

"Wallace, you want us to find your daughter right?" said Bobby as he stared holes in Wallace's head.

"Would you just get the fuck on with it".

"Wallace, here's what we're going to do. We're reasonable men and we want to help you find your daughter. So I'm giving you two choices. You can either tell us what I want to know or I will have you sent to a detainment center down on the Gulf Coast. You clearly have threatened the security Senator Donovan is trying to build. You will be held there for an indeterminate length of time until it can be decided how badly you've effected the security of this area. With all the problems up north a worthless tub like you could have to wait years before his case rolls around. Then, I will personally make sure that you are assigned to the worst possible facility for incarceration for the remainder of your pitiful life."

Again Wallace was too stupid or worn down by life to be afraid. "You can't do shit you rent-a-cop".

Bobby moved a fraction closer to Wallace. "I can and I will. There's also a really good chance you get lost in a swamp before you even make it to a camp. Bodies never turn up once the gators get to them. Now, you've got three seconds to spit it out".

Wallace tried to stare Bobby down but was fighting a loosing battle. Just as Bobby was counting three Wallace broke and told them where the men had stopped his attack on Maggie and the direction he think they headed.

"Thank you, now was that so hard?" Bobby's smile got even larger and more ominous.

Bobby left his men inside with Wallace and returned to the SUV and the other trucks full of men. One of his lieutenants dutifully followed him ready to put Bobby's directions into motion. Bobby and several of his men consulted a map of the area for a few minutes. After a short bit he circled several places on a map.

Speaking to the squad leaders two of the trucks he said "You two follow my SUV to the grid I've given. It's a mile or two further down their likely path than where they abducted the girl and saves us from having close the distance on foot. Risky move, but if we start where they took the girl we'll never catch them before dark. Gonna be close now as is. Once we get there we'll split into elements and begin sweeping Westward."

Continuing on he turned to his lieutenant. "Once you are done here, take your squad to the other grid I marked and start backtracking towards us. We'll try to catch them in between. Once it gets dark we'll have to stay in close comms, use the night vision and the GPS to avoid crashing into each other. Ok everybody, make it happen. We don't stop until we find them".

As Bobby turned to walk to his SUV, and the other men started piling back into the trucks, his assistant interjected "what did you mean by when we are done here?"

"Oh yes, I had forgotten. Kill him. Make it look like Miller's group added another body to their count. Then burn the place to the ground and destroy whatever you might find that has value".

The assistant scurried off to carry out the orders and Bobby turned to place a call to Smythe to update him. As the call was connected and he began updating Smythe he could hear Wallace screaming as two of his men manhandled him. His yelling was quickly ended by a loud gunshot.

After finishing the conversation with Smythe he sat for a second. Frowning, he trotted back inside the house. He walked over the lifeless corpse as if he was stepping over a footstool.

"Listen Joe" he called out to his assistant. Search the house top to bottom first. Based on the charm of Mr. Go-Getter here the girl might have decided to tag along instead of having been kidnapped. See if you can find something that might tell us where she'd go if she escaped Casa Del Shit".