I know I've posted this in the past but I'm going to throw this out there again for the newer members. If you keep your eye out in your travels be it "picking", antiquing, flea market, whatever. You might run across boxes similar to these. Uncle Sam built these things to house electronic equipment, they had to be "hardened" against possible EMP. WE in the Navy had the damn things all over the place for test equipment, radios, etc. SO if you happen to see them out there, GRAB THEM! They are worth the money in the long run. As you can see this one I carry a GPS, a pair of hand held transceiver (radio), laser range finder, batteries and a few other handy items. The boxes come in many sizes, these just happened to be the ones that LadyHK happened to find when we were out and about. She's gotta good eye that girl, just stay away from the end of the business end of her barrel. Bad jew jew...........

OH, easy on spot test: Before you buy it put a cell phone inside, close the box, make a call to the phone. The call should never make contact. Look for over lapping seams and "or" gaskets. Happy hunting.