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Thread: The US Gov. Farady Box to keep handy

  1. #1
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    The US Gov. Farady Box to keep handy

    I know I've posted this in the past but I'm going to throw this out there again for the newer members. If you keep your eye out in your travels be it "picking", antiquing, flea market, whatever. You might run across boxes similar to these. Uncle Sam built these things to house electronic equipment, they had to be "hardened" against possible EMP. WE in the Navy had the damn things all over the place for test equipment, radios, etc. SO if you happen to see them out there, GRAB THEM! They are worth the money in the long run. As you can see this one I carry a GPS, a pair of hand held transceiver (radio), laser range finder, batteries and a few other handy items. The boxes come in many sizes, these just happened to be the ones that LadyHK happened to find when we were out and about. She's gotta good eye that girl, just stay away from the end of the business end of her barrel. Bad jew jew...........

    OH, easy on spot test: Before you buy it put a cell phone inside, close the box, make a call to the phone. The call should never make contact. Look for over lapping seams and "or" gaskets. Happy hunting.

    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #2
    Premium Member
    greg48's Avatar
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    I've found out thru differnet sources, not to reveal OPSEC, that here where I work, there are buildings that are actually farraday cages. Kinda makes a person wonder?

  3. #3
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Well, not trying to pry into your employment. But a lot of defense contractors, computer companies, electronic communication companies who have built in RF shielding/EMP hardened rooms buildings, etc in order to protect their interests for the foreseeable future. Like maybe they feel that there is a real threat from either an enemy foreign or domestic or from the great beyond "Helios" the sun God. You see they want to be "in power" when there in no power...........Uh, being a prior employee of the government. Just my roll of quarters.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #4
    Premium Member
    greg48's Avatar
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    Understand, Brownwater , yet like i've said some times it's almost like the government is telegraphing whats coming. The secret squirrel world is interesting and scary at the same time.

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Having recently (this fall) picked up my Ham operators ticket. I joined the ARRL, one of them thar Ham clubs, and they send me constant intell on solar flare activity. It's pretty interesting the constant barrage of solar activity the earth is subjected to.
    For example:

    Solar activity suddenly weakened during this bulletin's reporting
    period, January 9-15, and the lower activity and expectations
    continue. Average daily sunspot numbers declined from 188.1 to
    111.4, and average daily solar flux went from 201.6 to 155.4. Those
    drops compare the January 9-15 period to the January 2-8 week. Daily
    sunspot numbers dipped below 100, to 95, 87 and 77 on January 14-16.

    The latest prediction doesn't look promising, at least if we are
    hoping to sustain the recent increased activity of January 4-7. It
    shows solar flux at 120 on January 16, 118 on January 17, 115 on
    January 19-20, 112 on January 21-23, then 115, 130, 135 and 145 on
    January 24-27, and 155 on January 28-29. It then climbs to a peak of
    180 between February 2-5, and declines to a minimum of 125 February
    17-20. By minimum, this does not mean that solar flux is predicted
    to be at least 125 on those dates, but rather another low point
    before rising again to around 180 about six weeks from now.

    This was taken from one of the emails that I receive. The earth's magnetic field is what protects us for the time being until "Helios" gets pissed off and throws a mighty shit storm at our ass. Radio operators as I'm learning love the increased activity because it increases the ability to communicate over long distances. Me I'm just happy to hear a voice from some place other than Tennessee. Like the gentleman who was on a mobile rig in his Ford F-350 in Washington state, talk about cool.

    Now what happens if we get hit with the big EMP? Well I try to keep my gear "hardened" I have stuff packed in "boxes" for just that reason. I plan on having alternate forms of comms for just that situation. I don't plan on transmitting, I'll be gathering intell. Things will happening, shits going to be moving and we are going to be in a "need to know" situation. I believe we call this PREPPIN!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    I'm going to post a quick thread on how our little earth is protected (somewhat) from "Helios" and his wicked ways. So look for "The sun's EMP and our protection from it"
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #7
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    You know, if someone dislikes a post or thread. The topic is open for maybe they know something they would like to share? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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