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Thread: I was that f'in stupid at one time...

  1. #21
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Virginia, USA
    Interesting, EB. I turn 47 this March also.
    I, too, have realized the things you mentioned, and more to it. I got a lot of it early. My mother was a realist, and very intelligent (a certified genius, in fact). She never told me life was fair, that really it was not. She did not hide the truth, no matter how ugly it was. So got a lot of this early on, and learned much of the rest quickly, as I looked at the world in perhaps a different way.

    Eagle, I was 4 when you came home. I studied 'Nam a lot as a teenager, since it was what I grew up hearing about. I always thought that the vets coming home were wrongly treated.

    Like Backpacker, I have told many that I was thankful for their service. I have always meant it. Am I happy for where they went or what they had to do? Many times not. But I am thankful that they stepped forward to serve as the defenders of their and my country. Those of you who served joined in good faith, and went where you were told in that same good faith. I have never blamed the soldiers for whatever happened wherever it happened. They go where they are told and do the best of their ability to get the job done and stay alive while doing it.
    For that I am thankful.
    If soldiers are sent to somewhere they don't need to be, and/or to do something we don't need to do, that is someone else's responsibility. It is the responsibility of those who send them.
    I have told anybody I have heard badmouthing our troops for being somewhere they didn't think we should be that they are looking in the wrong direction. Our troops don't look for war. They, above all else, know just what war is, so they don't want to go. But they understand that sometimes people must do things they don't want for a greater purpose, and they volunteer to be those people. So if someone said in front of me that our troops "don't belong there", then I tell them they need to look somewhere other than at the troops themselves. They need to look at those who sent them.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  2. #22
    CC Gray Panther
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    My post wasn't meant towards any one on this site as I know where their hearts lie. Sorry if it seemed that way.

    And to maybe to put this towards prepping I'll add this thought. I believe the majority of vets that come home from a war become preppers because they have witnessed the true world of life before them along with many who were raised to question that before them. We all may get here from different circumstances and that's what makes this site a very valuable treasure trove of information.
    Last edited by eagle326; 02-02-2014 at 07:35 PM.

  3. #23
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Virginia, USA
    Eagle, no, I didn't think you were talking to me. I just wanted you to know that there was at least 1 person form that era that didn't ever look down on the 'Nam vets. I've know several of them, with varying times of their tours, varying jobs, and varying degrees of what they brought home.
    The media shit on all of you so hard it's unbelievable.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.



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