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Thread: I was that f'in stupid at one time...

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  1. #1
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Dec 2012

    I was that f'in stupid at one time...

    Why is it, you only realize... that older people have insight and wisdom.... once you get older?

    I wish I could run back the clock and do shit all over again, only without rose colored glasses and being such a ducks in a row thinker!

    Ive been on this rock for 47 years this March, and the older I get the more "wise to the ways" I become, the more knowledge, experience and (self) education I get... and you know what? I dont like one bit of it.

    When I was younger, Id be more concerned about abiding by the law, what ever it was... now I am realizing that many of the laws are pure bullshit. (Constitutional carry for example). Why should I ask my g0v for permission to carry concealed, when 2A already gave me that right?

    I read in the news the other day, a group wanted to fly Confederate flags on Lee Jackson day, the news article noted they already had the proper permits to assemble. WTF? A stinking permit is NOT needed for a peaceable assembly!

    I honestly didnt realize how *F'IN* stupid I was in my youth, now that I realize it, I regret wasting my youth... on youth.

    Today I can look at the videos of the NG going around door to door helping to take weapons post Hurrican Katrina... It makes me sick to my f'in stomach that possie comm has been tossed out the window. But I realize, when I was a young 11B in the VaARNG, I would have been more than eager to put a boot in the door knob!

    I was that f'in stupid?

    This thread is not about bashing anyone other than myself, but just a public posting that I have reached a certain point of enlightenment, and... in a weird way, I regret it.

    Things I currently regret having knowledge of:

    * The fact that violent felons are in large numbers all around us
    * The fact that sex offenders are in large numbers all around us
    * The fact that drug users are in large numbers all around us
    * The fact that our money today is just paper and represents nothing of value
    * The fact that politicians tell no truths
    * The fact that the g0v wipes it's ass with the C0nstitution
    * The fact that the law is only forgiving to the rich
    * The fact that the redistribution of wealth means taking from the little guy and giving to the already rich
    * The fact that I am a slave to the system
    * The fact that freedom is just a smoke and mirrors game
    * The fact that the militarization of p0lice is being justified
    * The fact that I have been lied to by damn near everyone, all my life

    Theres a shit load more I can add to the list, but that pretty much tops it off...

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Possom's Avatar
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    Right there with you EB. It's enough to turn you into a hermit isn't it.

    The older I get the less patriotic I become honestly. Don't get me wrong I love my country but my priorities have changed. Changed from fighting to protect my country from bad changes to protecting my family from what my country has changed into.
    It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

  3. #3
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    When I joined the military, I didnt even have a GED at the time (but my recruiter had me get it just before I shipped), so I didnt even qualify for an enlistment bonus. I entered at as a bare collar E1 FFS. I went into the service largely for Patriotic (capitalization intended) reasons... but Im like you, Im becoming less and less Patriotic and more of a Patriot for the daze of old, or at least.. for what this c0untry was supposed to be. That in it's self is enough to justify medication!

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  4. #4
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Welcome, we've been waiting for you.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  5. #5
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Can't say I disagree with much of what you said. It makes me sick to my stomach to see a lot of the things that is happening in our country.

  6. #6
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Those who walk the earth long enough transition from patriotism to patriot through lessons learned in their ever evolving life. This is where an individual learns that which is true and worth dying for ; For the sake of future generations if need be.
    Some make the transition quicker ; some slower. But it's the journey that instills one's beliefs. Only through trials ; tribulations ; education does one become tempered by the fire's flame.

    When one such as you have arrived ; We say ; Sit with us by the fire and enjoy our common bonds. Welcome to the family and may your stay be enlightening and comforting.


  7. #7
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

    Join Date
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    East Texas
    Yep, I love my country, but I have come to hate my government.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
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    My wife continues to say every generation thinks the government is "out to get them" yet I believe what we are seeing is a snowball effect, once it really gets rolling, it's gonna be hard to stop, there was a War once in this country to stop a tyrannical government, people are very naive to think it can't or won't happen again.

  9. #9
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    I'm going to try and write this without being the "instigator" that I am sometimes. I joined the Navy looking for a future in electronics and to follow in the footsteps of my family of warriors, fireman and patriots. Duty, love and honor of my fellow man and country. It was a tough 22 years of watching the political correctness of change in policy transition with each passing administration. "Equal opportunity coupled with promotion does not coincide with sustain superior performance." As I progressed through the ranks I did my damndest to make sure that the "right" people, race or gender, were "put in the right places" get my drift. (yes I promoted those that were deserving) That made me a relic an out cast of sorts and yet earned me respect of a select few. That's why "in my heart" I retired with a clear conscious, at least one of the biggest reasons knowing I did the right things for the right reasons.

    Then came the transition, from active duty to civilian life. Having never really never paid attention the the news, diligently being the devoted to the mission at hand. The Navy was my life, that was my focus. You can imagine my frustrations as more and more my eyes were opened to the havoc and the stupidity, as each one these news stations blasted me with all of this crap. I just couldn't believe what was going on. I guess I was just a drone in the hive, a worker bee. LadyHK and I debated constantly over the war in Iraq, Bush, Cheney, you name it! She had her stories, I had mine. I knew what "I knew" and she knew what "she knew." (boy that was tough)This country had collapsed, I never saw it, seeing all these people that I was "keeping safe" they disgusted me. Politicians, locals, drivers, shoppers, I was overwhelmed with complete and total chaos. I was so used to the controlled environment of the military then I was shell shocked into the "real world." The real world that I had fought for, my beloved America had turned into a gang bangin, cheat the people, run it into the ground, screw the men and women of the military, total piece of shit! It broke my heart, it still does today. I love my country, I always will, I will fight and die for it still to this day. It took my oath and I stand by it still, but I can't say what to do about it. I vote, I email representatives, congressmen, I'm not going to send them money that's for sure. They still lie and cheat, they still run it into the ground. But what does the future hold? Well these SOB's hold our future in their hands and we sit and watch............and we wait. While I sit with hands tied, I'm frustrated.............but at least I have fellow brethren as yourselves. For that I thank you, for that, I have hope and that is a dangerous word. Yet I still love this GOD forsaken land we call America, I just may not care for all the piece of shits that live in it anymore. So when someone tells me "Thank you for your service" I really don't care to hear it. It's like they "have" to tell you, like "whew, got that out of the way" it's almost like getting spit on sometimes. Those are just hollow words to me unless you really know, unless you BTDT.................

    You know if you're so damn grateful for their service then why don't get off your ass and do something about it? Get a job, quit shooting each other, get the fuck out of my country if you snuck across the border, get off welfare, quit cheating your fellow man out of their life savings..........shall I go on? OK I'm crawling back into my safe,
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  10. #10
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Ohio surrounded by farm land
    So when someone tells me "Thank you for your service" I really don't care to hear it. It's like they "have" to tell you, like "whew, got that out of the way" it's almost like getting spit on sometimes. Those are just hollow words to me unless you really know, unless you BTDT.................

    This part here BWRR has always driven me nuts since it started. When I came home in 1971 from Nam we treated like some kind of diseased animal. All I wanted was to come home and have a normal life. The looks ;stares and questions from people made you feel unwanted because they believed what ever the media said about us. I never wanted thanked or patted on the back ; just a job and a good woman to be with.
    Then about 20 ; 25 years later the same people decided that ; In my opinion it was politically correct to give us a big welcome home party and we'd forget the spiteful past . Well wars may end but memories of home coming never fade.

    I'm not a bitter man because of it ; But it taught me just how easily people ( sheep ) are lead. Over the years I've been able to discern mostly those who truly mean it when they says thanks. Many times when myself or with my wife is in one of the big box stores and an employee says it I just kinda look at them with a blank stare. They probably think I stupid or senile. The other thing that really pisses me off and I've told people in no uncertain terms at times ; Do not call me a hero. For I am not a hero!! ; I'm just an average guy like many others who understood what being and growing up in America means and it's sacrifice of being one.
    To me the heroes are those who gave their all and are marked by tombstones. So over the years I've learn it's about being a patriot not patriotism.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is a lot of people spout phrases that ring hollow because I believe it makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. They don't know me or even take time to speak about my time. How can you thank us for something you probably know nothing about. Never been there or done that but know more than those of us who were. Brains are a funny organ.

    As a side note a little story.
    Worked in steel mill ; 40 yrs. old or so and and had a couple girls and guys at lunch table asking me stupid shit about Nam. One guy said he was told we were baby killers and why did we kill babies? I said because they were easy pickings. ; Do you have some that need killed? He thought I was a smart ass. Told him he was a fucking idiot for believing everything he was told or read. Needless to say we never became friends and he always kept his distance from me if possible.



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