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Thread: Being single and trying to prep In a small place

  1. #11
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Taz don't forget about how you will cook if your power goes out. Look around for a couple of used (or new if money allows) Coleman propane grills. They fold up small so they don't take up a lot of storage space, you can buy a 2 pack of the fuel at Wally World cheaply still. Pick up a case or two of sterno from Costco and you can heat up small items using them as well.
    I apologize for nothing...

  2. #12
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

    Grumpy Old Man's Avatar
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    Some advice from Grumpy the Hermit.

    First, take a deep breath and know that you can do this!
    Second, use coupons and BOGO offers at the grocery.
    Third, hit thrift stores, Salvation Army, Dollar General.
    Fourth, do guerrilla gardening in any woods nearby. Or farther away for that matter.
    Fifth, as has been mentioned, container gardening.
    Sixth, plan and work toward finding a place where you can grow what you need to grow.
    And finally, place your faith in whatever Deity you follow.

    It isn't easy being alone and prepping for the future, but it can be done.

    My prayers are with you Taz!
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry, Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775

    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  3. #13
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Have you gone to and looked in your area or surrounding areas to see what people are giving away or even post the stuff you are looking for? Might be worth a look.
    I apologize for nothing...

  4. #14
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Wow. I know that was for Taz, but I forgot all about freecycle. Crap! Thanks for the reminder!
    Last edited by mitunnelrat; 01-31-2014 at 05:58 PM.
    Consilio et animis


  5. #15
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Where no one can find me
    Thank you for all the idea's. This thread is not just for me, it is to help anyone who is the sole provider for their self and trying to prep on their own. Lady no I have not checked there, didn't know it existed. Thanks I will check it out. as for getting a propane stove, well the landlord does not allow propane or kerosene because of it being an apartment. So that is out. but I can get those Sterno cans and if need be he won't know it if I have to use them. I have been getting the can goods and packaged meals at the store when they have them on sale, (10 for $10) so now I have 6 months worth of food stored. Now i have to start on water. Bottled water is cheap but water is included in the rent so even tho it is tap water, I can get a filter for the faucet and bottle it. I am going to do the container gardening inside and outside this summer and see how that works out. I go to the thrift stores all the time, you could call me a yardsale, thrift store junky, I love them. I pick up a dining room table cheap and 2 grocery store metal floor racks that they put cookies and snacks on display. 1 is slightly slanted for can goods. They have the big rolling,locking casters and they are big. I got them really super cheap. The place where I work has people always getting rid of things, and selling cheap if not free just to get rid of it. I pick up a tv and a small bookshelf. So little by little I am getting that stuff. YES I CAN DO THIS. Thanks again for all the help you guys and gals are great.
    I am me,
    I am free,
    You can not change me.

    If you try, you will see,
    That I am unchangeable,
    Because I am me.

  6. #16
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Taz Baby. . . quick question, do you drink bottled soda or juices? If so, recycle those once you finish with them! The kids here go thru TONS of juice, so what I do is once a juice bottle is finished, I run it thru the dishwasher, and refill with water, cap, and store under the bed/closet/out of sight & mind. You will be surprised how fast your water supply builds up! Just a thought! Good luck!
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  7. #17
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Taz I don't see why you would be banned from having camping equipment in your apt. Just don't use it unless shtf, your landlord probably won't be around then to tell you no then anyway and you can use it outside, you don't need to cook inside your apt.
    I apologize for nothing...

  8. #18
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    My suggestions for a inexpensive start up to prepping.

    1st Work a BoB into shape. Look around the place and see what can be used in it.

    Gather all of your documents and scan it to a USB stick keep it in your BOB or on your key chain.

    (These take little supervision)
    Used 2Liter Pop bottles to store water, as temp planters for my aquaponics system and a funnel for putting gas into the vehicle.
    Make your own Vinegar.
    Make your own alcohol.

    Save dryer lint. (Makes good kindling)
    Try not to eat premade foods (expensive not healthy). Learn to cook. It will save you money on your food bill and provide you a skill.
    Research Aquaponics see if it interests you.
    Take walks with your BOB and learn about your environment that you live in.
    Do research on the Internet and learn plants, medical, water treatments etc.
    If you have a vehicle do you have an extra gallon of gas?
    Can you start a fire? (Matches, Striker, Magnifying Glass, Friction) It sounds easy but practice making one with each method then it will become easy.

    Knowledge is your number one approach to deal with any problem. Everything you have could be taken from you Knowledge is there always.

    If you don't work with the skill you have researched it is not something you can rely on. So practice them.

  9. #19
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Where no one can find me
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
    Taz Baby. . . quick question, do you drink bottled soda or juices? If so, recycle those once you finish with them! The kids here go thru TONS of juice, so what I do is once a juice bottle is finished, I run it thru the dishwasher, and refill with water, cap, and store under the bed/closet/out of sight & mind. You will be surprised how fast your water supply builds up! Just a thought! Good luck!
    No I don.t but I get people who do to save them for me. I had tons of them but now I don't.
    I am me,
    I am free,
    You can not change me.

    If you try, you will see,
    That I am unchangeable,
    Because I am me.

  10. #20
    Yes, its short. No, its not his attention span.
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    Taz, keep this in mind. Container gardening requires a lot of water. If you plant tomatos, keep up on top of pinching off the suckers. Its wasted energy, that is needed elsewhere. Seriously, drown those plants twice a day.



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