On the A.N.T.S group there just in case you have to leave your resources behind....always carry a seed bank...if nothing else sprouting seed...you can survive on it...no get your supplies together. ..include that in bug out bag...also barter..if it gets bad you can trade for what uou need...even soap shampo could be a bartet tool
I buy travel size or save small bottles to fill...shampo.tooth paste. .etc...watet supply a must..I own several berkys..3 sizes and one of the berky small per bug out bag...just in case..it gets expensive. ..but In the long run there worth every penny...as far as wild edibles. ..it very important to learn what to look for...and depends on the weather/ growing season...A.N.T.S is just for emergency. .the way they wotk you will never meet them...but have ways to drop enough at a place ..yo pick up your needs for a day or 2...it eould be worth not sitting wiyh no water...whrn others will help...but ginding a group and get to know them and spend time..its hard to talk to peppers. ..because most wont tslk..they have yhere own familys to care for...you must prep I keep no less them 2 yrs food and seeds...but we will never know what will come
Just have to think of all things that can happen and do your best to prep for each...nothing is certain...and nothing will be easy...just do the best you can that is all You can do...and pray hard you are doung the right thing...I plan for all or any possible problem...but there is no garentee in anything. .but not planning ...wont work out well...it will be what it is to be... I always wish I knew what that is...One thing to do is turn off your electric for just 2 days...living off grid...then you will rember exactly what you need snd what you forgot. ..camping is a great way yo find out and practice