Dang ! Been a prepper now 8 yrs...I sjould have wrote a book...lol
All this Imfo can be found on google or utube for free...may I suggest Southern prepper 1 . He has been there seversl yrs ..you would have to watch vids from beginning to sell all the good..I wish I was in his shoes because in worst case ...He has ot pinned down...so I would suggest jim over a book and also check his freinds out..I dont Utube much anymore beacause Utube a little to nosey and will take down well needed Imgo..most have moved from there...like Dutchsinse, tattoot reloaded and several more..Facebook already shuttimg fown Chemtrail pages as I saw yesterday. ..Imfo out there just have to look
The only thing I would add yo this vid is...you have to be more then 1...uou cant do it alone if shtf...find a group like A.N.T.S there very hard to get to know.
But! If you need help...
Like gas to get you moving..water, food, etc..
Now they wont support you its just a leg up to get you out of a tight spot!
But if you have nothing
You have nothing. yhe Sheeple wont prevail well if they are asleep!!