Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
We've had several Asian restaurants where all the stray cats around them went away not long after they opened.
Wife has had cat, in an Asian restaurant. A school friends parents ran it. Told her they weren't allowed to serve it, but could fix it for themselves.
I haven't had it, but there's this one roaming the neighborhood I've got my eye on. Wife says she will cook it up nice.

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I'm moving to an island in the middle of nowhere with no name and taking all the cats of the world with me. No more cats for any of you! Bad people!

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Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
The first cat I owned, I named 'stirfry'

I highly recommend it.

I'm glad you live far, far away. If I ever come visit I'm going to steal all of your cats and bring them home with me where they will be safe...and I'll change their names.