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Thread: Currently braced for the "Big Snow Storm"

  1. #11
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    11pm Wed ... MINIMUM 8 inches, and its coming down HARD now!

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
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  2. #12
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Thr 1:50am 21.f wind 12 gust 17

    Ahhh... I have GOT to get some sleep, been up since oh four dirty yesterday.

    So, the girl having the baby stayed in the hospital, the FAMLY went home... and they brought daughter home on there way.

    Fast Forward to sometime midnight, Im in a daze and just fell asleep, when I heard daughter's cell phone ring... and I already knew.... what it was about... baby.

    Any who, I get the "daddy lets go" command and we take off. Only NOW, we have at LEAST a foot of snow, its coming down hard, AND the wind has picked up quite a bit.

    The trip there was a little hairy, and more so on the way back... conditions are deteriorating quickly, plow trucks just cant keep up, which for me is perfect because a few (6?) inches of fluff makes for a SMOOTH ride with the snow cables!!

    I shot some video... well, more video... Flags standing straight out... on the highway theres a car down in the gully, a deep gully... not quite, but "almost" blizzard like conditions on and off... enough to bring some driver's seat up into the crack a wee bit.

    All I know is, there is NO WAY IN HELL I could have made THIS trip WITHOUT all 4 tires strapped up! I wonder... what tomorrow will hold.

    So.. the baby, they were doing an emergency c-section when she got the call.... I do hope the baby was not in distress and everything turns out okay!

    I have no clue when Im supposed to pick her up, some time in the morning is all I can reckon.

    That is all for now... IM GOING TO BED!

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  3. #13
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Bust here. Supposed to be over 4" of snow, then sleet.
    That would've been interesting.
    Got about 2" of snow, then rain came and washed it all away.

    Oh, well, maybe next time.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  4. #14
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Thr 12 noon Wind 8 gust 18 28.f

    Well folks, its STILL snowing, never quit... Theres about 14 inches of snow! Ive not been out yet today but from the looks of the noon news, several streets have been plowed... but you dont see pavement.

    Baby: C-section was put off, I found out the baby's hear rate was the concern... but once it straightened up they proceeded with the labour option... Still no baby. I honestly feel sorry for this girl, its been since 8am yesterday morning.

    Ill be back,
    Last edited by ElevenBravo; 02-13-2014 at 09:07 PM.
    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  5. #15
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    We got out for a while this morning. 6+" and about 33 degrees. It is starting to melt right off. Ground was pretty warm. It is pretty though. All the trees and bushes are holding a lot. But no broken limbs. Chickens wont come out.
    Last edited by bacpacker; 02-13-2014 at 11:23 PM.

  6. #16
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Thr 5pm HEAT WAVE at 35.f... Oh my... wind 11 mph gust 25

    Snow has finally stopped, its been a solid 14 hours of non stop snow, small light flakes, that yielded a lot of snow.

    So, you can see by the specs, the temp has come up 8 degrees, but now the wind is up and gust is quite a bit.

    I corrected a previous post where I said we had 17 inches, I did a yard stick measure and it was actually 14 inches.

    I took the wife to eat, found a nice rest. to eat at... went to CVS, rode around a little and went home.

    When we got home, the tail end carried a heavy band and the snow fall then was a FINAL 20 INCHES!

    Ive pulled two people today, both in our subdivision, neighbors... one could NOT get up the hill, so I strapped him up and drug him the rest of the way to the top... when I got there, he still couldnt move so I drug him to his house and un-hooked. He still had a helll of a time getting in his drive way.

    The other was a young man from up the street, he slid into the ditch in his truck, street tires dont do much for snow, and he could not get out... so the snatch strap and War Wagon came to the rescue again.

    I had 3 failures with cables today. One of my SCC's had a hook that broke and the entire cable flew off... I was able to back up and retrieve it, looks like I can cabbage up a solution to that, but I dont have what I want to use, on hand. So at that point I have 3 tires with cables.

    The right front lost a strap that goes across the tire... I could hear the flap flap and pulled over... using some wire cutters I had in my tool box I worked on it until I could just cut the cable off.

    After we got the last truck pulled out, the right front started flapping again, Im too tired to mess with it so I just drove slow to the house, I was still in the subdivision.

    Update at this very second 5:20pm, the SUN is poking out! Temp is 38.f, clouds are breaking up... Looks like this system is done, and were already started on the process of clearing up... but, with 20 inches of snow I think its gonna take a few daze.

    WIND: Had a few special weather advisories on the phone, last one was as the system moved out, high winds would move in... and, its already here... Actually, its a bit concerning...

    Ive already run the genny for about 20 min.

    Thats all for now, once its all "over", Ill put the video together and post it up...

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  7. #17
    Walking on Sunshine

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    You all stay safe. Son 1 was in Atlanta when first storm hit . He had to go to the store that day, normally it only takes about 20 mins in the car, that day it took 2.5 hours to get to store because of the idiots that didn't take it slow driving and the others that just left cars in the MIDDLE of the road. He said and I quote Geez mom at least in Michigan we try to pull the car over to side of road before walking away from it.unquote. He said he was okay but he was heading up to Michigan before his TV show starts shooting in March.My DIL is working on a film up here and they want him to be the 2AD on it. Works , work if you know what I mean

  8. #18
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Thr 8pm 38.f wind 26 gust 39

    Hmmm.... I "think" the wind showed up.

    Ive been thinking, and I will abandon the snow cables in favor of snow chains. I doubt anyone in town has any right now, so maybe next week Ill scout out what I can find. Some medium duty standard chains should be more than I need.

    Im going to bed... after the penut butter cookies are finished cooking. :-) umm milk & cookies.

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  9. #19
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Its official, its a wrap! Most streets are clear and mostly dry! Residential streets are mostly shit. Theres a Chevy pickup with a blade on it plowing our subdivision now... The first plow weve seen up here.

    Snow is entirely GONE off mama's car hood, where yesterday it is where I measured 20 inches (in video...).

    I shot some video this morning when I went to work, and a bit on my way home at 2pm and there is nothing else to shoot so Im wrapping up production and going into editing, hope to have it posted fairly soon.


    Never lost power, but genny was ready
    Never needed camp stove, but plenty of options & fuel were there
    Never had a riot or MZBs, but plenty of .177 pellets on hand :-)
    Never lost water, but adequate water on hand for 2 daze

    Fatalities: I lost two snow cables, will be switching to real CHAINS as they come back into stock

    Positives: Truck did wonderful, even with cable failures... 4x4 worked like a champ... tires were okay, but nothing great... Had plenty of food for human and canine, house was warm and overall this significant snow fall was a null event for us!

    Future: As we start to wind down winter (not out of the blue yet, it can snow in March around here..), we start going into spring and summer... and it wont be long before hurricane season is upon us... I mention this because we get part of any system that comes from the right coast, if something gets close to Norfolk or Va Beach, we get rain and winds too...

    Thats about it, Ill put the video in this thread when its done... but be fair warned, it will be long so you may be board and scrub through it or click away...
    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  10. #20
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    I think l will piggyback EB's thread.....l stop at Wally World for some puppy food and as I'm checking out l hear these people in front of me talking. Here is how it went....

    #1, Are you getting ready for the big snow Sunday?
    #2, Yes, l am almost out of milk. Picked up eggs also.
    #1, Your not worried about the power going out?
    #2, No, l live in town and we didn't lose power the last time it snowed.

    FYI (calling for up to 8" of snow, freezing rain =1/4" of ice) just shows how unprepared/assuming some can be. Made me laugh....well, kind of.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.



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