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Thread: Need a few kind words

  1. #11
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Want to thank all of you for your prayers and good thoughts. lhk I'm so sorry things are at a standstill have been praying my head off for you. Just an update, so far kids are ok and doing much better. Son 1 will have them the week of Thanksgiving, last we talked they're going to Disney World over Thanksgiving. They're only about 4 hours away and then Christmas they'll come "home" here. The ex is still dragging her feet on some things judge ordered her to give Son 1 but the lawyer he has keeps booking court dates and ex gives him the info the day before date. She's trying to bankrupt him. Son1 is also skyping and conference calling doctors and teachers and ex can't do a thing about it. She's also been told to stop over medicating the kids(by the doctors)and she is NOT to schedule ANY type of elective(non emergency) surgery for either of the kids without including their father in the decision. Granddaughter has had three surgeries that Son1 didn't find out about until they were done. He knew she had tonsillitis and adenoid probs(he did too) but it would have been nice if he could have gone out to be there for the operation and he wouldn't have let the second set of tubes put in her ears without consulting an ear, nose doc for a second opinion. Now she has holes in her eardrums that haven't closed. So far her hearing is ok but she has to be very careful about going in a pool or taking baths. Grandson is doing much better and we just found out he's at the head of his class in school.
    EB Thanks DH and I took a trip last month for 40th anniversary. That was a very relaxing trip. Went to Disneyland, Joshua Nat'l Forest and even got to see my brother out in Vegas That helped and this year due to the floods in Detroit SIL can't host Thanksgiving so we offered her our home and she was thrilled So not only will some family be here then but Son 1 and DIL and his kids will be here for Christmas for a week. Can't wait. Thanks again for all the Ants prayers and good thoughts, it is much appreciated.
    I am still sending out prayers to all of you as well. Maybe now that DH has "fixed" ? the computer I can get on more.We changed providers and we're changing our emails.

  2. #12
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Good to see you back on Kat. Praying this go work out with the grandkids.

  3. #13
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Quote Originally Posted by Katrina View Post
    Sorry I haven't been on for so long. I want to thank all of you for keeping us in your prayers. Due to an extremely bad situation , son 1 went to court to get his children after DH spent 3 months where son 1 is living,taking care of the kids. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to get the kids, however the judge was extremely pissed off and told the ex ONE mistake and she will lose the kids permanently with supervised visits only. I cannot go into any details right now. We are in a holding pattern right now, please keep us in your prayers. I will try to get on here more. Again thank you all
    Katrina, my sons in the same boat as yours. After paying thousands in legal fees for my son to try to get custody of his son, the judge lets the ex get by with not taking a court ordered drug test...TWICE! All she said was she couldn't afford it. She gets gov. Housing, food stamps, etc, said she spent all her money on winter cloths for her three kids (3 different fathers) my son the only one paying support. But when I go to pick him up at school, never any new clothes..except for the ones we buy him. The judge would not hear the case, kept postponing. Finally he settled for joint custody, with him being the primary custodial parent. And maybe in a few years when he he is old enough to let a different judge hear his wants, ( he wants to live with his dad, but he is only 6), hopefully my son will get him full custody. But untill then, he has to live half his life in a drug and gang ridden projects.

  4. #14
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Dome guy,
    Sorry to hear about your son case. I'll keep you and family in my prayers too.

  5. #15
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    We are meeting with yet another atty tomorrow in hopes of hiring him to take on our case over our land. I really dislike attys. grrrrr.
    I apologize for nothing...

  6. #16
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladyhk13 View Post
    We are meeting with yet another atty tomorrow in hopes of hiring him to take on our case over our land. I really dislike attys. grrrrr.
    Like cock roaches in the night ; Show me the money and I'll promise you results. Ooops sorry the judge didn't agree. Here's my bill.

  7. #17
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Katrina, I realized I didn't finish the post. I meant to end with "Don't give up hope, you just have to keep it all in a positive mind, and never give up." Thank you for your kind words.

  8. #18
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Domeguy, thank you and all of you so much.Hope all is well with you. rob don't think that would help their step is a local cop and ex military, but it might get you a few dates though,LOL. We're doing fine kids were looking and acting much better, not so closed off.Counseling has been helping but we fear the ex has convinced the counselor that son is on witch hunt AND the kids think she "tells" on them and they get in trouble at home. Son fears they are shutting down with the counselor because of that.I can't tell you how much this has helped, just knowing there are caring people out there.
    Willie thank you, glad to see you back too.
    I sincerely hope we all have a Great New Year. May it be a d**m sight better than last year.
    LHK will try to get a hold of you soon.

  9. #19
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Best of luck in all this Kat. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  10. #20
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katrina View Post
    rob don't think that would help their step is a local cop and ex military, but it might get you a few dates though,LOL.
    no worries. i ain't skeered! LOL i know plenty of them as well, most of them are 'tools'. this time of year, i might have too keep my socks on though.

    sometimes a good laugh helps for the moment. doesn't really do much for the situation.
    "Ya need a hug, or a twinkee? Wait..forget the twinkie". - Dropy

    "I'll be in my bunk" Jayne Cobb

    'Catch, sauté, and release...' Sniper-T

    'Always smile... it makes people wonder what the fuck you are thinking!' Sniper-T

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    'All I really needed was a hug'............ Domeguy



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