ANTS, please take this with a grain of salt, its personal impressions, nothing more, nothing less. Im not trying to stir up the pot, create a panic nor am I trying to sugarcoat it either. With that being said, take what follows and draw your own conclusions.

Ive been watching the events unfolding these past few months as so many other here have Im sure, and the little gnats are starting to buzz inside the brainpan, they are trying to connect the dots. As a person who specializes in unconventional warfare, and having spent the last 20 plus years working in this arena, I specialize in "connecting the dots" so to speak. Im the guy who thinks outside of the box, because thats what unconventional warfare is about. I look at a problem, and come up with the non-conventional solution to it, just as if I am looking to cause a problem, I do it in the non-conventional way to where there is little to no "blowback" on interested parties. Its what i do, im not the number one top dog person, but I sure do get asked questions lots of times and asked for input. Now, most of you here know me mainly from here, and I would hope that you know that for the most part, Im a pretty sane guy in most aspects. But as a military man, and a man with plain old common sense, something isnt starting to feel right or good. Its not often that I get a sense of impending doom, and when I do, its usually never good. And dammit, im starting to get that feeling, and Im not sure where its coming from. When Im posed with a "scenario" Im asked to give input on how would I accomplish goal "A". I look at the contributing factors, the risk reduction analysis, and the cost/benefit analysis. Then I look how I can accomplish Goal "A" conventionally, once thats done, I look at how it can be done outside the box. How would the bad guys do it? How would they go about it and successfully accomplish Goal "A"?

As I look at the news nationally, and internationally, I see a parade of events that are starting to come together in a not-so-good fashion. (bear with me, I may get a bit long winded here!) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the new leader, or caliph, of The Islamic State, which ISIL has now renamed themselves, they have taken over parts of Syria, Iraq, and Southern Turkey. The faction they represent, the good old fashioned Al Qaida, has given them the nod to create a a "country of their own" so to speak. While in itself, isnt so that bad of a deal, since now you are gathering all the ragheadfucktards all in one area, so tracking, dispensation, and servicing them now becomes much easier to do, it also presents a challenge for getting actual no shit good intel. But also looking at the speed, and efficiency that they accomplished this goal is what has me cocking my head. Just to put it into prospective, it took the USA 43 days from start of shots being fired, to boots on the ground in Baghdad, it took ISIL, 27 days. We are talking a conventional army, with all the doodads, gadgetry and widgets at its beck and call. The only prohibiting factor for us, was we had to fight by the rules, ISIL didnt. Ok, so taking that in stride, lets look at any of the cities in Iraq that they took over, they drove up, instituted a successful psyop campaign by using loudspeakers to inform the city of its intentions, causing panic and fear to contribute to the the accomplishment of their task. Once done, they pretty much walked thru the city. Any lingering fighters were killed/executed and then crucified. That my friends takes BALLS. Not only does this cause an affront to any christian society, it also delivers the message that if you aren't Muslim, and we catch you, we are stringing ya up on a cross. How balls is that? Think of the message this sends, now take this army and start them on the parade to the next city, how much actual fighting do you think will take place now? Knowing that if you lose, your ass is going to be on a cross by the side of the road. Brilliant planning on whoever chose that tactic, my hat is off to them. It lessens the need of their fighters to waste precious resources like ammo and fighters, merely by conducting a fear campaign. Probably one of the best war-fighting techniques since Genghis Khan used his horde to just merely decimate the land by running roughshod over the entire countryside. So, seeing this happening in the Middle East, along with Israel striking out on people in its own country, and Syria fighting its own internal war, Pakistan ramping up its fight internally, and Libya having internal conflict as well, you cant help but ask, "when does it end?" Iran is offering to come in and help Iraq quell its internal conflict under the guise of " we dont want those folks coming into Iran and doing what happened there, here on our own turf", yet, Iran and Iraq have been at war for how many generations? Look at this from a tactical standpoint, if YOU wanted to take over a country, would you rather commit resources to fighting that country, or come in as a "friend", deploy your soldiers all thru the country, and once the threat has been mitigated, merely refuse to leave? Whats easier? fighting city by city taking over the country, OR. . .having that country say "please come help us". . .and because you want to do the "right thing" deploy your soldiers thru the countryside, take out the smaller threat, and then just staying since you already have your troops in place throughout the country? Sleight of hand in warfare is a funny thing to watch, you see it happening, you know what the end result will be, and yet, it happens before your very eyes with the exact result you knew was going to happen. Mark my words, theres a storm brewing there that will not end well.

Now take current events of these past few weeks, the standing president has now said that the next threat to the US will come from Europe, how long before he starts ordering drone strikes in Europe, and how long do you think that EU will tolerate that? Russia said its pulling out its troops, but we all know that isnt happening because Putin is beefing up his presence there in the Ukraine as we speak. Multiple events here in the USA have had people on edge, from the mass shootings, scandals of various degrees, (VA being the latest) all this gets fed to the MSM to give us something to talk about, to think about, to ponder, all the while, sleight of hand is happening before our very eyes. Did you know that Drone use in the CONUS has skyrocketed, although its in a Testing/Research/Development phase supposedly? The warfighting mindset is being slowly and gently twisted to non-COIN style of warfighting, when we all know that COIN (COunterINsurgency) is here to stay, because it is so successful. Why would you want to take the warfighting tactics that we have learned at so painful of a cost, and take those lessons and toss them in the trash and now start teaching a wholly new style of warfighting that hasnt been used since WWII into the mix? Are we being set up for failure? Something isnt right, and while I cant quite place my finger on it, but Im working on it.
Next you take the Patriot Movement, while we all have read and maybe even experienced some of it firsthand, this has been the first year that so many movements have become to prevalent in the news. Bundy Ranch, OAS to name a few. But while Bundy Ranch was considered a success on the Patriot side, OAS was merely a wash, not enough attention was paid to it, and due to so many with personal agendas within the movement, it ended up being a farce pretty much. There were way too many Part-Time Patriots that had lots to say, and threats to be yelled and opinions to be voiced, yet when the time for action came, it was crickets in the wind. Why are so many Americans moving towards the Patriot mindset? Why is Facebook riddled with so many groups that are militia related, and Patriot related? MySpace was a social media that could have been used for this, but wasnt. With all these groups relying on social media, they cant possibly think that they arent being moderated, mediated, and observed can they? Are we as Americans so inured in the idea that our basic freedoms are ours to keep safe, yet have failed to realize that we have already been compromised? Think of it this way, if tomorrow morning, the entire internet was shut down in CONUS, what would happen? News and events could be regulated, its a simple task, look at how easy China or Egypt or Syria did it when they experienced internal strife. The only ways of getting information would be thru the regulated tv, or thru radio commo. Im not sure how hard that would be to regulate, but Im sure it could be done, simply because Ive seen examples of how we can shut down radio waves in regions. Its almost like the majority of the citizens are dumbstruck by the idea that things are deteriorating before our very eyes, and yet they seem to think that everything is going to be ok. It cant get any worse can it? Will it? What can we do to fix it? Is it even fixable? Are we past the point of no return? We are falling down this rabbit hole, and I for one, am afraid of how this is all going to end.