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Thread: What is the furthest you've ever walked?

  1. #31
    I ran 12 miles nonstop on my 18th birthday. Other than that, just normal walking distances.

  2. #32
    Does NOT use a snake bit sucker kit on snake bits

    Evolver's Avatar
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    Nice find Bob!!! I enjoyed reading RJ post and can't wait for the details.

    As for me the longest distance hiked in one day was 23mi. It was one day of a nine day trek across the Unita primitive area in Utah with two of my brothers. Total distance was 115mi and well over 12,000 feet in elevation changes. Our packs at the start was 45lbs and at the end around 28lbs. Food was all freeze dried and water was collected/purified as we went. Fishing is always good so we planed on fish for the main source of protein so we was able to cut back on the amount of food packed. We started out a at Chepita lake north of Roosevelt Utah and ended up at Mirror lake south of Evanston Wyoming hiking the Highline trail.

    The 23mi day started out on day four and was suppose to be a 14 mile to our next planed spot but when we got there we where in a state of euphoria and didn't want to stop. I've only experienced feeling this a few times but I loved the way my boots felt as they hit the gound, I loved the squeek in my pack, rocks on the trail, sweat cooling my back and the pine small in the air. It was like being on the best drug that there is. After we arrived at good spot and set up camp the three of us talk about how we all experienced the same thing. Good times!!!

  3. #33
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Sounds like a sweet trip Evolver. I had a trip planned a few years ago in both Bryce and Zion national parks. Trip got cancelled but i look forward to getting to do them one day. Utah is a beautiful state.

  4. #34
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Longest I walked was in basic training 18 miles and the terrain sucked. It was on Fort Knox and Heartbreak and Agony are 2 huge hills. Did one one day and the other a couple days later. And why in the hell do they give the biggest gun to the smallest guy. I weighed 117 lbs when I joinged the Army, and I had to carry my pack, gear, M-16, and my M-60, the whole way. I am pretty sure the gear weighed more than me.

    Longest I ran was 12 miles and that was on Fort hood.

  5. #35
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Longest in one day was in the Marines, we had to do what it called a Marine Combat Ready Evaluation EXercise, 25 mile forced march, various terrain, 8 hours or less to make the Obj Area. Yea, was a crappy day!

  6. #36
    Intelligence Officer

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    Twenty-seven mile Wolfhound March at Schofield Barracks with a combat load in 23 hours. Terrain was both hard ball and off road with some mountains thrown in for fun. We done it at night in temps around 70-75 degrees 90% humility. Fun times.

  7. #37
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    I made a bad shot on a moose, and off he went. I followed/tracked him in about a foot of snow, for the better part of a day through black alder swamps, over rock ridges, through some of the nastiest bush I've ever seen. I broke through on one river, and in a couple of swamps. When I finally caught up and dispatched him, I had travelled 7.5 miles (as the crow flies), and let me tell you, that moose never knew the definition of that term!

    After I gutted and prepped it for the night, I blazed a trail back out to my hunt camp, which involved trekking by compass, and marking trees, to create the best possible trail, that might be followed the next day, without too much tree cutting. So there was a lot of back and forth. I was fairly well equipt for food/clothes, and only stopped once for a fire and a hot meal. I got back at day break, hooked up with my dad, and worked our way back in with the snowmobile and sleigh. We traded off walking, and cutting vs. riding, but it was after dark again that second night by the time we got back to camp.

    I don't know what the final milage total was for that 'day'... but it was sure something I never want to repeat!

  8. #38
    Premium Member

    TEOTWAWKI13's Avatar
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    At one time? 32.5 miles in 2 1/2 days....18 miles the last day.

    Most demanding conditions? It was on the Appalachian Trail from Clingman's Dome to Fontana Dam, starting at 4:30pm on a Wednesday in snow at 6500'

    What sort of geography and terrain? Mountainous terrain, especially day 2 which was nearly striaght up. Day 3 was straight down hill, crossing a creek 12+ times, than switchbacks.
    What sort of gear did you have on? Probably over. Nearly 50 lbs in a backpack. Appropriate clothing, etc.

    What were the weather conditions? Snowing day 1, then light rain, Day 2-3 were sunny and about 65 degrees.

    There's a good chance during a SHTF event you'll have to walk some distance. Can you do it and under what conditions? Can and would. I am hiking now to get in shape.
    The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache.

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