OH yeah you know that's been discussed as well as little hat's so they don't get frost bite.........sure encourage the woman, who needs "friends" when I got you?

After reading back on the thread........(RIP Brother)...........we slaughtered, uh "processed" about 40+ of our other birds that were being raised over at LadyHK's sister's place. We borrowed a friends "little wagon" that had a rig on it that had like 8 cones you could load with chickens on a rotating wheel. A hot bath for scalding complete with dunker to to do multiple chickens and then it had a washmachine type tub with rubber fingers in it with water jets that you threw the chickens in and put it on spin cycle. It made short work out of de-feathering them birds in just a few minutes. After that all you had to do was gut and prep to your liking.

Now that was a bitching "little wagon" I'll have to see if we have any pictures of this thing. But four of us did these birds, "bagged, tagged and freezer bound" in less than 3 hours, including clean up. If you're into doing meat chickens, this is the way to go. I'll have to get more intell.

The coop is running stellar by the way, thank you for asking. However I do have a leak I have been chasing on the south wall, it always gets hit with the rain there and it always manages to leak down inside the wall. It's coming from the windows somewhere. I just can't find it and it doesn't do it all the time.