The Wife and I went fishing for a few hours last Sunday, here:

And amongst others (caught seven different species, over two dozen fish) we kept some Freshwater Drum.

Something I haven't had snce I was a kid, and one that has a reputation for being a strong tasting 'fatty' fish, not worth keeping.

Not being one to follow modern convention, naturally I kept a few and cooked them up...

I decided to play around a little to give them a fair chance...
All fish were filleted and de-boned as a walleye, but with a little extra libery to cut off the fatty looking meat at the belly

1. First fillet went straight into the hot cast iron pan with a little butter/olive oil, no seasoning/spices.
Review: Overall ok, fairly strong 'fish' taste that I didn't mind but my wife didn't care for. Nice firm flaky white meat.

2. Second fillet lightly dusted with Shore lunch Italian and pan fried the same as above.
Review: slightly less 'fishy' tasting, but still not a fav. for the wife.

3. Third fillet lightly dusted in Shore lunch cajun and pan fried the same.
Review: I quite enjoyed this one, but it presented the problem of still being too 'fishy' and now too spicy for the wife. lol.

4. Fourth fillet, bare went into a simmering pan of Italian salad dressing and poached.
review: Best so far, a lot less fishy taste, still not a fav for the wife.
Note: This is her favourite way for Walleye.

5. Soaked fillet in milk for about a half hour, rinsed and pan fried same as #1.
Review: Next to no 'fishy' taste, wife approved!

6. Soaked as above, then cooked in salad dressing like #4.
Review: Couldn't tell the difference in taste between the drum, smallmouth bass and walleye. Texture VERY similar to walleye.

Overall impression:

A versatile fish, with some flavour. If people are not fans of strong tasting fish (orange roughie, bluefish, etc.) they wouldn't like the first four methods tried, but I do and I did. For the tamer at heart, the milk soaking did wonders to remove the gamyness and make it enjoyable for my wife.

I would definately keep them again in the future!