Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
I did not know that there was a "fresh water drum" but I do know that there is a Black Drum that runs annually in Texas, like in the Corpus Christi ship channel. Across from the "old Ingleside Naval station" they had a set of dolphins (mooring pilings) that people used to fish off and around. Well they used to pull some huge and I mean huge like as in 60+ pounds! Well I got the bright idea of doing a little selective fishing over there, visibility sucks by the way, gets real dark at 30 ft. Then one of those fuckers comes out of the murk face to face to check you out and his face is bigger than yours. Pop quiz.......what do you do? Now you see me now you don't! the fuckers were everywhere! I looked at my speargun and questioned my motives........what am I going to do wait till he pokes his head in my face again and try to do and upper cut gill shot? Fuck me I hung out for about 15 minutes to see what their game was, talk about playing with bait.......uh that would be me. So we decided to use the poles, this idea wasn't going to work. But.....it was fun.

I prefer the salt water fish over fresh due to the flavor. Bessides selective fishing is the way to go in my opinion due to one's ability to pick and choose one's meal and size of filet. Need I say more?
You sure are using a lot of bad words. Pls wash mouth out with soap. But I love you still......