Rat, sadly no mine ain't up yet! Ive still got grapes growin and cant tear out everything so I can put up the post I am mounting my antenna to. I need to see if i can get anything going soon. I do have a buddy I work with that works HF regular. But he mostly works 17M and talks into Europe and south America mostly. Never heard him mention Mexico before. I'll check with him and get him to listen up.

I do agree with you though. I think there will be activity of some type, somewhere. I hope its not in the states. With the missing malyasion plane, the ones stolen in Libya, and of course the wide open southern borders. I dont have a good feeling right now. Throw Ukraine, Iraq/Syria, isreal/hamas, and the growing world financial issues and who knows what could come together over the next few weeks if something big happens on the 11th.

Damn, I gotta try and get something up and running.