Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo View Post
Me and RATboy tried QSO, kinda.. I was sending CW but he couldnt respond, then he sent phone, but I couldnt respond! It was like the two stooges! Anywho... I could hear over the phone, his G5RV was surely picking up a lot more than my hamstick dipole, which is at best... a shit antenna.

I hope to rebuild a new vertical and get it operational this month, Im pretty sure I still have some wire left. Roll a new BALUN and be up and running easy peasy (yeah, right..) Were going to try again when I get my GOOD antenna up, and Im trolling QRLid forums to find out what mic will be a good suit for my TenTec.

Yeah it was just like old times' "Where's my extraction? We're at the LZ damn it! Where's my fuckin extraction!" .........."Nothing heard....out......" Well hey we're trying and making noise, last night might have been better things were real clear. But the atmosphere has control over that. Good antennas make a difference too. I call an "A" for effort and a "C" for contact.......we made noise.