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Thread: ghost gun

  1. #21
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
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    did they change their tasking after Katrina? and i have no idea how the majority of current military members would react. i know quite a few at my current unit that are all for gun removal from civilians. (we don't get along well)
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    Welcome to the internet.
    One of us types in our heart and soul, and then puts it up for the world.
    Then, the rest get to interpret it.
    It is literal, or figurative?
    Sad, or happy?
    Angry, or calm?
    Just black and white words on a screen.
    Not like a conversation in person, with facial expressions, body language, tone of voice.

    Still, we here pretty much slide along without issues.
    Imagine how well we could get along in person.

    Or, we would just think each other is a bunch of assholes

  2. #22
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
    Just wanted to point out one problem, do you actually think that the NG in any state of the union, is going to stand by and abide by this while this so called confiscation happens? Dont hold your breath, Believe me when I say, the NG are even more vehemently aware of state rights over active duty troops. The last thing any NG troop will do is walk his streets during a confiscation, they learned that lesson in Katrina. Ive had this conversation over and over with NG troops and trust me when I say, I do feel sorry for anyone who tries to do it.
    I would like to expand upon Stormy's post a little more.

    N. G. posting security for outside force to confiscate weapons from populace who happen to be family & friends more than likely. This sets up a situation where the outside force knows no one citizen and does their job come hell or high water.

    1- Here-in lies the problem as I see it.If you're N.G. ; Are you going to let strangers do whatever to complete their mission even if they harm or kill your family or friends in order to violate the 2nd. amendment?

    1-A - Trust me this will be in every man's mind and yes some will follow blindly ; but as Stormy said and I concur that most will choose the opposite of government mandates.

    2- If you're the outside force won't you be wondering what the other outside forces are doing in your community?
    2- A - If you don't ; then you're the problem.

    3- Have you given consideration as to the number of ex military who take their oath seriously to the point of death to protect the people of this country & the 2nd. amendment along with the rest ?

    3-A- This fact alone should tell most government people that the cost in blood for their troops would just be too much.

    4- Have you considered the people never in the military who have the same mindset as veterans ?
    4-A- A lot of these people were raised in military families and many were raised to understand the cost of freedom right down to the dying part without military.

    5- Did you know between vets and citizens we out number the military ?

    5-A- Military may have bigger toys ; but that doesn't win a war. It's all about stealth tactics ; subterfuge ; guerrilla
    warfare or whatever name you want to give it. As I've stated before ; Once their electronic ability is down graded they're on the same field as us old timers and they are at a learning curve loss while we are not.

    6- Does our oath go to the people or the government?

    6-A- Our oath is to the people first to protect their constitutional freedoms. For we are the true government ; not bodies in Washington D.C.

    So to this old man I believe as Stormy does. Not saying troops won't obey government but the numbers will be lop sided because they know deep down they're putting family and friends at risk by obeying.
    This question comes up from time to time with many thinking Americans will bend on knee to obey the government
    because either their right or that they're afraid of them. Just because one does not hear the sabers rattling doesn't mean surrender. American's are a patient people but if the line of freedom is crossed I truly believe you'll be shocked at the bad attitude and swift justice applied to those who intend to enslave us.

    My house hold sleeps very soundly at night ; I on the other hand have only cat napped since 1970. Yet we don't worry about what may come for we watch the watchers and get on with life until the time comes.
    I guess the best way to put it is ; I have enough faith in America to know that there'll be enough of us to get the job done. So things such as this is but a bump in the road to an old curmudgeon like me and not really worth worrying about. And I'm sure you're not worried but just trying understand.

    Just my 2- cents

  3. #23
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    We won the British with only 3%. If only 3% stand up and fight that is 9,566,763. Or just over 9.5 million people. That is a lot of people.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  4. #24
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesneuen View Post
    did they change their tasking after Katrina? and i have no idea how the majority of current military members would react. i know quite a few at my current unit that are all for gun removal from civilians. (we don't get along well)
    i am not Military, nor have been. i was in NOLA after Katrina and saw firsthand what went on with this. more times than not, the NG walked away and let folks keep what they had. now mind you i was there, attached to a group of local LEO's that went too help. i was nowhere near the heart of the problem. i left 'after' being shot at and was told 'i could not return fire, even too protect myself and others' nothing to do with the gun confiscations, but if your too stupid too accept help, you don't need me.

    on the GG video... some folks 'need more EDUCATION' before they go talking about things they nave no clue about. i just about tore stitches loose laughing so hard.
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  5. #25
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    While some of our military and/or NG would follow such orders, many will not. There are tons of arguments about exactly how many, but in the end, it doesn't really matter.
    This is because if EVERYBODY under pay of Gov't at ALL LEVELS, which means military, NG, people like DHS, FBI, etc, LEO from everywhere were told to mobilize, it would be close to 900,000 people. This is the cooks, doctors, mechanics, everybody, not just the "trigger pullers".
    There's what, about 100 million gun owners in this country? How many would fight under the "take them all" scenario? If only 2%, that's 2 million people, against 900,000, many of whom do not fight as a primary job description. That's also assuming they all agree to participate.
    Then, there's bringing in outside forces to handle it. Well, can they get enough to handle 2 million people? You're going to need somewhat more than that to achieve anywhere near a solid victory. Who is going to send that many troops, knowing America is the most armed nation in the world, and not going to just "hand them over"? Not to mention that foreign troops on our soil taking guns will motivate a much larger percentage of the population, both previous gun owners and not previous gun owners to fight them.
    Suddenly, they didn't send enough.
    There are other factors that will come into play that I won't even get into here and now.

    They may get most of the guns some day, but it will not be like this. It will be much more insidious.
    Picture a pandemic. Since the Executive Order which allows the President to declare a National Emergency (done by Bush, IIRC), wherein he sends Congress and the Supreme Court home, no elections until it's over, and only he declares it over, was amended just this past July to include infectious diseases, and specifically respiratory diseases, allows him to order any and all to stay home, or any and all to go to a "camp" where you can be treated, and orders how and what with you will be treated, and you cannot refuse, everybody could simply be sent to medical camps. No, you cannot take your firearms with you. If you refuse to go, you can be forced with whatever force is necessary.
    Hmm, no one home to keep the guns safe. Everybody is away sick.
    Now, I am not saying we will have a pandemic. What I am saying is that there are other, less obvious ways to get you away from your guns, where they can just be picked up at their convenience, without having to risk getting into a firefight to get them.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
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  6. #26
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Ummm, yea. . . . I think the point has been made, Ghost Guns are pretty much here to stay, and so are all guns, until somebody has the balls to start knocking on doors. (and personally, I would HATE to be the first man in the stack on whatever door that happens to, just saying...)
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  7. #27
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Nope, no door knocking.
    I wouldn't want that job, either.

    Honestly, I don't really see any of the other less obvious ways working all that well, if much at all. Even trying to go to every house in the US would be a monstrous undertaking. There could be "turn them in for food" when folks are starving, and other such things. But, it would be the more likely approach. No matter what, they'd never get close to all of them.
    The whole Bundy Ranch thing showed that people will stand, and come armed. If they want us disarmed, they now know they will have to re-think their approach.

    On another note, that little cube cnc mill is cool. I want one.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
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  8. #28
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
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    I have a question about who knows what about gun ownership. My local gunshop owner (before Obama put him out of business) told me he submits records to gov. who only holds them for 6 months, then destroys them. Is this true? Does the gov know what guns I have by serial numbers? If I gave a gun away to a family member, how can I prove I no longer have it? Do antique guns with no serial numbers come into play anywhere? What is the legal way to get rid of a gun that is just to old and worn out to be of use? I assume I would turn it into the local police, but I am curious what is the legal way.

  9. #29
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Older guns don't have serial numbers. It wasn't until 1934 that guns where required to have serial numbers.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Domeguy View Post
    I have a question about who knows what about gun ownership. My local gunshop owner (before Obama put him out of business) told me he submits records to gov. who only holds them for 6 months, then destroys them. Is this true? Does the gov know what guns I have by serial numbers? If I gave a gun away to a family member, how can I prove I no longer have it? Do antique guns with no serial numbers come into play anywhere? What is the legal way to get rid of a gun that is just to old and worn out to be of use? I assume I would turn it into the local police, but I am curious what is the legal way.
    If you buy more than so many guns (I think 3) then the gun store has to send your info to the feds (from what I understand). For a normal gun purchase the dealer keeps the copy of the form on file until he closes his business. When he closes shop he is required to send the copies to the feds. The only real way for them to track the s/n is when the gun shows up at a crime scene, the police/feds call the manufacture and trace the gun through the system. Then they show up at that gun store to find out who the gun was sold to. That is when they would visit you. There is no requirement on your part to prove where the gun is now. All you have to say is I sold that and I don't remember to whom.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  10. #30
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    The only time a dealer must send purchase info on guns is when a person buys more than one handgun in a five business day period. They did add a couple years ago the purchase of more than one assault type rifle in five business days, but only along the border states.
    The only other time is for a firearm trace, and it only applies to that firearm.
    The forms you fill out at the dealer are to be kept by the dealer for a minimum of 20 yrs. After that, they would rather you send them in than destroy them. All records must be sent in to them upon the closing down of the business.
    I do not believe for one second that any purchase records acquired by the fedgov are destroyed after any length of time.
    As for nics background checks, I don't know, since va doesn't use nics, it has its own system. In the VA system, they don't even have the firearm info. All they know is that you purchased a handgun, rifle, or shotgun.
    If it is a pre '68 firearm that has no serial number, there simply won't be one on the form.
    A trace is conducted in a specific manner. When a trace is conducted, atf has the firearm info, make, model, serial number. They contact the manufacturer, who leads them to the distributor. They lead atf to the dealer, who in turn must furnish the original buyer info within 24 hrs.
    This only works for new purchases. If you buy a used gun from a dealer, it most likely will not trace to you. This is because whomever bought it new then may have sold it to a dealer or person. If they did not make a record or do not remember, the trace dies there. One break in the record after the original purchase kills the trace.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.



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