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Thread: EBOLA: What are you doing to prepare?

  1. #11
    Is kinda partial to Charmin...can you spare a square
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    Getting ready to self quarantine. Did a practice run a couple of years ago...locked everything down for a month. Worked out well.

    So for this crap.....we shall see.


  2. #12
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willie51 View Post
    Agreed. And I have no faith in our gooberment to save us. Question why is CBR suit ineffective?

    Also, can't wait to hear what the Lady is learning!!
    Most are made of rubber but some incorporate a filter, allowing air, sweat and condensation to slowly pass through. One example is the Canadian military NBC suit. Most US suits are commonly of the charcoal type. By allowing these suits to breathe it will allow the virus to penetrate. Now, I hope I got all my facts straight. We are better off with a civilian hazmat suit designed for the the subject matter at hand.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  3. #13
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Most are made of rubber but some incorporate a filter, allowing air, sweat and condensation to slowly pass through. One example is the Canadian military NBC suit. Most US suits are commonly of the charcoal type. By allowing these suits to breathe it will allow the virus to penetrate. Now, I hope I got all my facts straight. We are better off with a civilian hazmat suit designed for the the subject matter at hand.
    I thought those suits only breathe from inside out. I can tell you that's how tyvek is designed, but I don't know if it's pourous when it comes to microorganisms.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  4. #14
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Like I said, I hope I got all my facts straight. But I would rather save my CBR suit for what it's designed for. Then get myself another suit that's designed this situation. Safe than sorry. If someone can prove me wrong please do so. I spent a few weeks sweating my ass off in the damn thing, mask on, mask off, mask on, mask off. One scud after another. BUT! We weren't exposed to.................uh...whatever.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  5. #15
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    I know the CBR is for chemical, biological, radiological. I though those suits would stop anything! I've never been in one though and have no experience.
    Don't wrestle with pigs; you'll get all muddy and the pigs will love it!

  6. #16
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    I went ahead and placed an order from Amazon to supplement what I have already while I still could get them. We are preppers....rather have and not need, than to need and not have!

    Ordered today- 6 ea. N100 mask, box of 10 Curad antiviral pleated face mask, 4 Dupont OC127s Tychem suits (yellow).

    I'm a volunteer first responder here in town and a paramedic said the Curad antiviral is a must have for many things so I ordered a box, $13.75. Also, I figured the tychem suit would repel fluids. Worst case, I can use all this stuff to pressure wash my house or crawl under my car or use for the next time Songbird makes me paint the house.
    Don't wrestle with pigs; you'll get all muddy and the pigs will love it!

  7. #17
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    Mostly just stocking up on bleach, masks and food as usual. That and watching the movements of FEMA and CDC, keeping my ear to the ground and hoping for the best. My main concern is that with the flu season coming up, there will be cases of mistaken identity, which will in turn lead to panic possibly in some larger cities. The downside I see to this, is somebody becoming complacent after seeing 25-30 flu cases turn out to be just the flu, and that one case of actual no shit ebola slipping thru the cracks. Another viable scenario is someone with Ebola thinking its just the flu, and they go out and interact with the public during the course of their day and spreading it unknowingly. I know when I get the flu, I just suck it up and carry on not worrying about it. I minimize my exposure to people, but I still am out and about amongst the public, and I know theres plenty of people like me who do that. All it takes is one person to have ebola and act like I do, to make it go viral.
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  8. #18
    Bacon saver

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    At's a bull's eye right there. It's all your fault, we're doomed................way to go Stormy. BUT, you're right on all counts.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
    Mostly just stocking up on bleach, masks and food as usual. That and watching the movements of FEMA and CDC, keeping my ear to the ground and hoping for the best. My main concern is that with the flu season coming up, there will be cases of mistaken identity, which will in turn lead to panic possibly in some larger cities. The downside I see to this, is somebody becoming complacent after seeing 25-30 flu cases turn out to be just the flu, and that one case of actual no shit ebola slipping thru the cracks. Another viable scenario is someone with Ebola thinking its just the flu, and they go out and interact with the public during the course of their day and spreading it unknowingly. I know when I get the flu, I just suck it up and carry on not worrying about it. I minimize my exposure to people, but I still am out and about amongst the public, and I know theres plenty of people like me who do that. All it takes is one person to have ebola and act like I do, to make it go viral.
    Great point! The wife and I were discussing that very thing the other night because the first systems are the same as flu.....fever, headache, nausea, muscle aches, etc. My other fear is if this spreads to S. America, then up through Mexico. Where do you think they will rush to. Yep, there will be a mass exodus across our borders for FREE healthcare in the good ole U.S.A Then the true nighmare begins!
    Don't wrestle with pigs; you'll get all muddy and the pigs will love it!

  10. #20
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    For your CBRN suits most people think of the moon suits (level A). These along with the level B suits let out very little heat and moisture. The level A obtains 100% humidity after about 7 minutes and you need an SCBA to operate. The level B suit has a hood that allows you to wear an APR. Other CBRN suits such as the Lanx and Saratoga suits do breath and are designed to be worn 30 day of continuous use. These work well with an APR. However these suits are pricy. The nice thing about the Lanx is they can be washed several times before loosing their protection. Another thing is you could wear them under you regular clothes and no one would know because they look like long under wear material. However I think the gas mask may give you away. For just protection against Ickies like Ebola your Tyvex or Sananx.
    Hope this helps you folks who are trying to make decisions on this stuff.

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