Uh, no mine wires run North South. I have a pretty good reception swath all around except it seems around 090 and 270 degrees + or - 10 degrees I would guess. I do hear guys in the "5" region but I think they are putting out some serious power and are directional Yagi's by listening to their conversations. I do hear the Carolina's, New York, Pennsylvania as well so I don't see why we can't make this work, hell you're right in the middle...........BUT...........you could be that piss hole in the snow. Or maybe that would be me? Still, mission comes first and it can't be accomplished on this thread. We can only come back bragging that we made it work and at least some of us got off our duffs and made shit work. We made a contingency plan......"not wanting to offend any of our readers with my last statement" wait a minute me offend someone? Yeah whatever.....anyway maybe we can some other folks onboard with this FINALLY. After all how many years have we been talking about a network?

OK, enough BS, call me when you're ready brother and we will try it again. I'm still puzzled, did you change something since the last time we tried this?