Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
EB, do you think the vertical vs horizontal could be affecting comms at the distance?
I think it very well could be a player.. I am self taught electronics & ham, so someone with more formal education in the field could probably give a more definitive answer.

For example: I used to have an Icom 706 Classic, which had 2m on it... not only that, but it had 2m SSB mode! I hooked it up to my vertical ground plane (144mhz of course...) and could not communicate with my buddy in Floyd county.. He was running a 2m dipole. When we got on the phone, he advised we needed to have the same polarization.. He could not hear me, and vice versa. The next day I made (and still have!) a 2m dipole out of some scrap copper pipe... I built it a little bigger than the formula called for, and using a VHF SWR meter, started trimming a little off the ends until the SWR went flat... I was resonant! That night, I talked to him 2m SSB clear as a bell!

As I said, verticals talk to dipoles and vice versa every day... HOW the opposing polarities do and dont play well is beyond my scope of understanding.


Some light reading here...

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