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Thread: Organizing into groups

  1. #141
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo View Post
    And, I like SBR. ;-)

    Though not enough to go though the headache of getting one...

    Not really any headache involved, fill out the trust paperwork, get it notarized, fill out the ATF paperwork, send in your funds to them, wait 2-3 months. Once you get your tax stamp back, slap your SBR upper on your lower you registered, and party on Garth!
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  2. #142
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Well, if you did one on a form 1, youll need to get it engraved at some point soon after its approved, and you assemble it.

    Its still a longer than 2 to 3 months wait, last i checked. Its still running 5 or so. Way better than the 9 to 11 months it was a couple years ago.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  3. #143
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Mid Length is fine by me, its nice the upper and lower come apart, fits in smaller areas than when assembled... An SBR would be pretty nice, but.. Not nice enough for the price of the stamp, the wait and the headache.

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
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  4. #144
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    GunFixr, our E-files are literally only taking 75-90 days, could it be the region that we are in?

    But yes, I do remember the days of 11-12 months!
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  5. #145
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    At first, I thought you boys were talking greek... then I realized... I know greek, and you guys are talking gibberish....

    in other words, huh???
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  6. #146
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    Ok, yeah, i forgot about efile. I did one back in jan, took 5 weeks, bht theyve been getting longer. I think more people are catching on. Cant wait until they get f4s back on efile.

    Sniper, we have a federal agency here called the batfe. It regulates firearms, among other things. Certain firearms are considered somehow more dangerous, or evil, or something, and tightly controlled. They must be registered with the govt.
    An sbr is a short barreled rifle. It is any rifle that has a barrel that is shorter than the legal limit of 16", or an overall length of less than 26", or both.
    There is also sbs, which is short barreled shotgun, a shotgun having a barrel less than the legal limit of 18", or an overall length of less than 26". Suppressors, to reduce the muzzle sound of a firearm, machineguns, pretty self explanatory, destructive devices, which is anything not a muzzleloader or shotgun having a bore of over 1/2" in diameter, which includes things like grenade launchers, mortars, and bazookas. And aow, or any other weapon. This is a catch all category that takes what doesnt fit anywhere else, but batfe feels must be controlled. Things like pen guns, cane guns, pistol type shotguns.
    Federally, all of these can be legally owned, but must be registered. You pay a registration tax, and wait for a federal background check. It involves some paperwork, a bit more than a standard purchase. Fingerprints and pictures of yourself must be sent in. Also, the chief law enfrocement officer where you live must sign off on your paperwork. This is usually the biggest hurdle. If you can buy a gun, you can pass this as well. But, many localities have realized that if they refuse to sign off, it works as a sort of defacto ban, as the paperwork will not be approved. So they just refuse as a matter of course.
    However, the law provides for other legal entities to own such items, such a corporation or trust. Other legal entities, not being persons, do not need fingerprints, pictures, or the le sign off. Corporations require constant paperwork upkeep yearly, so many people who cannot get the sign off will set up a trust, and use that. I have a trust, and this is why. My local le will not sign anything for anyone, across the board, and this is the way it has been for decades.

    Hopefully this has shed some light, but it is a kind of cliffs notes version. If you want more info, i can get on the laptop and really type up a good description in its own thread.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  7. #147
    For the Love of Cats

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    Wow! and here I thought that CAnadian laws were nuts. lol.

    In fact, ours aren't too much different than what you outlined; other than the trust thing. If approved by Fed's than locals have to approve, although they may drag their feet a little.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  8. #148
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
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    All this only applies to the nfa weapons mentioned above. The regular everyday stuff is sold with an instant background check, as far as federal goes.
    State laws vary, about what one can and cannot have. Also, some states prohibit some of the nfa weapons mentioned above.
    Maybe i will go.ahead and do a thread here soon. Some nfa stuff.actually has some good use for shtf.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  9. #149
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    We have a little $20 tax stamp which is issued by our state that's needed to have SBR, suppressors or automatic weapons. Not a problem getting the paperwork from the Federal Government..................however the state just flat out says NO!!!!! So we just go without and stick with the 18 in non-suppressed semi-auto weapons. I can't afford to fire the full auto anyways. SBR or shotgun doesn't do well when shooting trap, people look at you funny. Lastly if I had a suppressor then my neighbors could not hear me shoot to complain........
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    Friends? I have a solid few who would come together if the situation dictated it, but a bunch of others who quite honestly would not be welcome. Sure they're fine now for watching the fights, or having a beer, but their skill set ends with their ability to process food into waste
    This sums it up for me perfectly. I'm not sure I even have a solid few. They are a little to put there and rash... Even in canoe trips their headstrongness has put us into situations that could have easily been avoided had they listened to me. The rest... No matter how good of friends they are, I KNOW that they would prove to be little more than dead weights in any situation other than having a beer with.

    I have met people through friends, groups, activities that looked like they could one day be a fit for any type of MAG, only to see, overtime, their deficiencies - whether it be following through on plans, or not living up to their own hype, or even not looking at situations from multiple directions. It's tough. I know I could not go it alone... For many of the reasons Sniper stated, as well as the fact that my own immediate family (wife, son, in laws, brother, mother and father) would probably be the death of me lol.



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