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Thread: Organizing into groups

  1. #221
    may be in trouble

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Mid-South TN
    Exactly how OPSEC-sensitive are these musings and standards?

    BWRR13: "You better have a contingency, you better pay attention to that "feeling", it's there for a reason."

    Utterly true. Gibbs #40 for damn sure.

  2. #222
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    BWR good point regarding the BOL. Will it be there when you get there. Or better yet do you just make it a habit of driving up each time you visit. Or do you get out before you come in sight of the location and do a recon. Is your equipment secure from others, i.e. in a cache. I know everyone should be trustful but then when you are dealing with family you all know what you tell your one relative will go viral in about six seconds after it is said. It is easy to say you will just write them off but then it is just like the one with the liability. You will have to deal with it treat is as such, a liability. I just hope this person has some skills to offset the liability.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  3. #223
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    "Exactly how OPSEC-sensitive are these musings and standards?"

    Guess that depends on how much you value your family's lives and yours. But you are the one that's going to go it alone across the country so you're GTG right?

    Trust.............I can't preach it enough. I found that there are very simple tests to find out how well or even if you can trust someone.
    One is just a simple piece of information. When given to that individual, will they guard it or will they deceive you and give it away and then lie about it. You'd be surprised at how many people give up that piece of information. A simple thing like an email address or a phone #. There goes the neighborhood...............Simply put, trust is a life and death issue with me, BTDT.

    Yes, OPSEC is important! If a person can't handle a simple little thing like an email address. Than he can't handle knowing where I keep my family safe. Then there's the family, hell I can't even tell some of them where I might take them just to keep them and us safe.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #224
    may be in trouble

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    May 2015
    Mid-South TN
    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13
    But you are the one that's going to go it alone across the country so you're GTG right?
    Across the country? Nah, no car or other transport. When I'm settled in, it's for the duration.

    Good to go? I should either laugh or cry... I should have been tooling up since that foul day in 2008. Only within the past year... and I hope I didn't shilly-shally too much. Extremely awkward to ask All Hell to hold off breaking loose for another week...


    Quote Originally Posted by jamesneuen
    Anyone who argues that they could survive indefinitely on their own is a fool in my opinion but to each their own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13
    Trust.............I can't preach it enough. I found that there are very simple tests to find out how well or even if you can trust someone.
    One is just a simple piece of information. When given to that individual, will they guard it or will they deceive you and give it away and then lie about it. You'd be surprised at how many people give up that piece of information. A simple thing like an email address or a phone #. There goes the neighborhood...............Simply put, trust is a life and death issue with me, BTDT.
    Ah. A Canary Trap.

    My example is not quite the same thing... but it has applications.

    One one of my precious metals websites, I was asked to take a bulk delivery of PM meant for me, the guy that bankrolled the buy of the PM, and a fair number of participants. I was to break it down and re-ship the PM to the participants.

    The snappers:

    This all took place during the maelstrom known as the Christmas delivery period.

    The delivery driver for the area is notorious for tardiness and not following instructions like getting signatures.

    I had not before ( and still have not now ) met any of these people whose PM's I was handling.

    The chances for fouling up and flat out larceny were considerable. At least two of the individuals I was delivering to flat out hate my guts, think I'm a fascist, and should be shot, hung and/or locked up.

    All was delivered timely and to the picky satisfaction of all the participants.

    Most of all, this was not the first time. Just the largest.

  5. #225
    Senior Member

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    near Pasadena, Ca.
    The wife and I have discussed a few contingencies when SHTF. We are in the suburbs, but also own a small mountain vacation place that is a little more rural. It is, under normal circumstances a 90 minute drive for us. Who knows what it could be like to get there after a major disturbance, i.e. earthquake followed by riots and looting? What would happen if we were there vacationing when SHTF? We have enough food and basic supplies for perhaps 2 weeks but the only firearm is a 12ga. and a few boxes of shot in various sizes. It is not in a highly defensible position if needed.

    Our permanent home is, at least in a semi-defensible location and pretty well stocked. Unless we were to be under a chemical or biological threat, we would stay here. A few of our neighbors are of the same thought process as we are. I do have some concern about how much family might want to bug out to our home. We are within 10 miles of almost 35 family, counting kids. My own kids and grandkids are welcome. Some of the in-laws might be welcome depending on what the bring and offer. At least one group will be turned away.

  6. #226
    Senior Member

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    FINDING LIKE MINDED PEOPLE - Without violating

    Obviously one does not just go out and advertise "I have enough food and water stored to last a year. Included is the means to protect my investment and I have X in communications' capability." So, how do you find like minded people with whom you may group when SHTF? I do not claim to to have the perfect answer, but will let you know what how I have have learned and done.

    #1 - You have to at least know your neighbors by sight and name. In some areas this may actually be a difficult thing as the neighborhood changes fast, people work long hours and keep to themselves. Find a way. I am fortunate that in my immediate area people live here for years before moving on. Talk to them and listen to learn.

    #2 - When we have the National Night Out things in the summer, almost 100% of the families will be represented. Yes, I have missed when we were out of town but we do meet and greet each other. At those times, we meet in someone's front yard, it changes every year, and share a picnic dinner. We will grill up some burgers and dogs and people relax and get to know one another. - Listen to what people say.

    #3 - The city always has some officials at the meeting and they provide basic pamphlets on things like animal control, law enforcement, being prepared for emergencies such as wildfire or earthquake. I always watch for people who are taking the "preparedness pamphlets." If I have not previously built any sort of relationship with those people I make it a point to start talking to them. Eventually I mention how the pamphlet on preparedness has some decent "basic information." Depending on how they respond, I may say something like "the state and FEMA people talk about having water for 3 days, but I would want to be ready for a little more. At lest a week. Sometimes the body language gives you a bit of a clue, or someone may respond with a remark such as "A week is hardly enough." LISTEN to what they say and how they say it.

    4 - We are in a hillside area and have all sorts of wildlife visit us, coyote, bears, mountain lion on occasion, and deer. I have made remarks about "If it were deer season and I had license, I could put a little meat on the table." Often times, peoples response to that give you an idea how they feel about guns. - LISTEN

    5 - Ever talk to your neighbors about local law enforcement? Make a remark about how long it may take to get LE when there is a problem such as a prowler or break in. (We have almost zero in our area, knock on wood) You may hear someone tell you that they are ready to protect the family. LISTEN to their words.

    6 - You might tell someone that you are looking at a security system for your home, mention the name of a company in which you are interested. When someone tells you they have 1911 SECURITY or Smith and Wesson, there are some positive clues!

    7 - Which of your neighbors has a decent garden? Many of us in the area grow our own "specialty" veggies and will share with others. You begin to find out who cans or dehydrates to store for the future. - LISTEN

    By following these kinds of things I know a pretty good amount about who else on the street has preps. I have not divulged much of my own info, because my intent is to LISTEN to others.

  7. #227
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Key words there, Socal

    Means more than a whole lot of folks ever. consider.

  8. #228
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    All very good key points Socalman.

  9. #229
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA
    There's reasons we have two ears, but only one mouth.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  10. #230
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    Excellent post Socal!

    I concur completely. People love to talk if you let them. a lot can be learned by listening; and more by an appropriate word or two to encourage them to continue talking.

    One of my favourite tricks when talking with someone 'new' or in a group situation, is to simply pull out my pocket knife, and clean my nails or trimming a loose thread. Reactions like "Holy Shit! What are you doing with a knife?" or "Cool blade, check this one out" really set the tone for how long I'll even listen to them.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.



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