Quote Originally Posted by jamesneuen View Post
Ok now what if they refuse to leave? The father stands begging and pleading for food and shelter for his family while having nothing to contribute?

Or even better, what happens when the group of offroading hillbillies who got stuck decide that what you have should belong to them? Do you invite them to stay or take your chances being judge Judy and executioner?
I think that the second group would learn very quickly that they are in an area they shouldnt be in. After all, when it comes to life and death, there are those who think about what they should do, and there are those that know what they must do. having served my country now for as many years as I have, I have no issues with being Judge Judy and Executioner.

As for the father of the family begging and pleading, with nothing to bring to the table, then no, there is no admittance here either. A good father knows he must provide for his family, and keep them safe, the inability to do so, well, why would I allow that mindset into a group of people who think the exact opposite? It becomes a festering cancer, of give me, support me, I want what I should have, and I dont have to do anything to get it...yea, not going to happen here.