Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
Ok. Reading it, it looked like a "no military and no combat experience means cannon fodder".
I understand a group could end up taking in some who end being useful for little more than cannon fodder, it just seemed you required the combat experience, or else.

I was like, wow, guess i better keep my distance, or be prepared to win everywhere you sent me.

Come to think of it, I can think of some people now who are little more than cannon fodder.
Wow, I never thought to think it would have been interpreted in such a way to be honest. If I offended you in some point with that idea, I do apologize, was not my intent.

As for what I meant, let me see if I can expound in it in a little bit more depth. If theres people who by trick or by trap, somehow end up with our group, who are not part of my "circle" or part of my "network", have zero applicable skills nor the mindset, willingness or compunction to contribute to the overall well-being of the group as a whole, then yes, they are first on my list for cannon fodder. People who pose a security risk, those who intent is to turn a SHTF into a Renaissance Fair reunion where everyone gets along, we all drink grog, smoke pit, dress like hippys, and enjoy the times without technology, and we all live peaceably til we die peacefully, yet they dont contribute any sweat equity, positive input, and insist on living off of the sweat and determination of others... Yea, they die first. Theres too many of us that are working our ass's off currently to put food up, building up ammo reserves, training on weapons proficiency, farming, animal husbandry, solar, and all the other myriad of things that need to be done... to be dealing with a drain on resources like a non-productive, or disruptive person who by total accident, ended up attached to our group.

GunFixr, I seriously doubt you fit ANY of the descriptors I listed. Grog drinker maybe... but thats probably it.

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Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
A couple of my best friends are assholes! But they're my kind of asshole.

Hell, most if not all of my friends are assholes, but they sure as hell pull their share of the wagonload. So I guess that means they are my kind of asshole too!