Daughter and I will see AS maybe next weekend.

MM is a diptard libtard, nuff said.

I hope its better than Lone Survivor... The book was good, until after chapter 3 or so.. The bullshit tail he tells is too unbelievable IMHO. I dont think there is an M4 or a human body that can take that many throws off a 40' cliff and survive. Ive seen the M4 break into pieces on the bayonet course and somehow Im supposed to believe its some kind of magical & indestructible weapon (exactly like the AR fan boys want us to think).

Ive known and read of many a soldier that had balls big as a minivan, but for that soldier to step right out into the open and take fire trying to get a call out, I find a bit far fetched... There is no one stupid enough to stand down range on a firing line like that.

I simply find a lot of the story to be BS... as I told the daughter, when your the only one to survive a car crash you can make up any old story since no one will debate you.

Anywho, I hope to see the movie soon, and maybe read the book (cause the book is always 1,000X better than the movie!)