EB my sentiments exactly. My oldest is a great cook. My youngest likes to eat and will be out on her own in a couple of months. She does not seem too concerned about cooking..............she will learn or starve........

Katrina, I'm out here in Virginia teaching a class. I will not be home for a couple of weeks, I will get it then.

"What do you want? An etouffee? Jambalaya? Duck a la Orange? Kung Pao whatever? Barbecue, grilled, fried, poached or steamed? Yankee pot roast, or specialty salads?
I can and have cooked all of these and more. It's a necessity when you been married and divorced as many times as I have."

What do I want??? all of it, what time is dinner. I agree I like my cooking much better than my ex-wife and my current wife, its called survival.